Sebastian Kurz receives “mushrooms” and vague support from Gernot Blümel during the trial

by time news

Former ÖVP Finance Minister Gernot Blümel was the next prominent witness in the trial against Sebastian Kurz and Bernhard Bonelli on Thursday. He gave the former chancellor vague support. Kurz resorted to self-defense.

Judge Michael Radasztics wanted to take the law “not so pontifically,” according to which defendants are allowed to comment after questioning witnesses, but should not make general pleas.

Sebastian Kurz took advantage of this and made another detailed defense statement on Thursday after Gernot Blümel was questioned.

Kurz said he felt the need to say something after listening for days. For days we spent days dealing with things that happened years ago. But he has never had as much knowledge about it as he does now.

Personnel decisions were “swarm intelligence”

In his emotional statement, he said that words had been weighed on the scales and apples had been compared with oranges. His voice cracked occasionally. He’s slowly getting “mushrooms”.

Among other things, Kurz wanted to define the word “select”. Because he did not choose or support Schmid. He just didn’t say to anyone: “You’re not qualified, I don’t like you.” Rather, personnel decisions are “Swarm intelligence” been. When he was asked, he gave his opinion, but it was “Not always everything is Federal Chancellor”.

Shortly before that, he received support from the former Chancellery Minister and later Finance Minister Gernot Blümel, who helped negotiate with the turquoise-blue government. Even if the support was a bit vague at times.

Blümel sometimes couldn’t remember, didn’t know what he had read in files or what he remembered “authentically”. When the WKStA asked about the turquoise-blue side letters, he declined because the discontinuation of proceedings against him stated that he had said untrue things. Blümel is no longer under investigation.

“Closely connected to each other to this day”

Blümel explained that he was still good friends with Kurz: “We are still closely connected to each other today.” Things are a little different with the now important prosecution witness and former ÖBAG boss Thomas Schmid: In the summer they spoke on the phone and congratulated each other on their birthdays.

Kurz – like his former head of cabinet Bernhard Bonelli – is accused by the Economic and Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (WKStA) of downplaying his role in filling positions, for example for the ÖBAG supervisory board in the Ibiza investigative committee, which both deny. Thomas Schmid, on the other hand, claimed that Kurz had one Right of veto in personnel decisions had.

Blümel remained vague. There was constant discussion, he said again and again about the appointments. Ultimately, however, the respective minister – such as former finance minister Hartwig Löger (ÖVP) – was responsible. “Löger has decided. Period. Out.”, he once said. In the Council of Ministers, every member of the government would have had the right to veto and Sebastian Kurz’s opinion would have been important for many.

ÖBAG als “Pipifax”

For Blümel himself, ÖBAG was more of a “Pipifax”., one of many topics. That’s another reason why he didn’t want to be able to remember many details. Life in the federal government is life in a constant state of emergency,” he explained.

According to the witness, he probably realized that Schmid wanted to become a board member of ÖBAG. But that wasn’t a concern for him, Blümel. And: “I don’t remember that Kurz had planned it.”

“You are family”

Blümel also had to explain his famous chat message to Schmid in court: “You are family” According to the former ÖVP politician, it should mean: “We’ve known each other for a long time, don’t worry!” The witness emphasized that Schmid was not part of the “Inner Circle”.

Schmid was an “expressive type” who was prone to exaggeration. Schmid often “poked at different people and was annoying.” However, he did “backbreaking work” on the ÖBAG law and was therefore emotionally involved. Blümel certainly had words of praise for Schmid – he did not want him to leave the Ministry of Finance because he had expertise there.

After Kurz, the defendant Bonelli also spoke on Thursday. He also said that he himself had often stated that something came from Kurz when he wanted something from someone, even though he had not discussed it with Kurz. Subtext: Schmid could have done that too. Or as Kurz put it in his statement: If something was said or written, that doesn’t mean that it was done.

Russian witnesses on January 31st

How does it go from here? At least there is a probable ending. The last trial date for the time being is February 23rd. On January 30th, ÖBAG supervisory board chairman Helmut Kern, Bernd Brünner, the former secretary general in the Federal Chancellery, and ÖBAG supervisory board member Susanne Höllinger will be interviewed.

On January 31st, Günther Helm follows in the morning, and the two of them in the afternoon Russian witnesses interviewed who claim to have had a job interview with Schmid, in which Schmid is said to have questioned his own credibility. They will be questioned via video link to Russia – “if they come,” as the judge said.

The live blog to read:

Live blog

Sebastian Kurz in court – Gernot Blümel is questioned

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