Sebastián Piñera: The reactions of world leaders to the death of the former president of Chile

by time news


The former president of Chile Sebastián Piñera died this Tuesday in a helicopter accident.

  • Author, Editorial
  • Scroll, BBC News World
  • February 7, 2024, 01:10 GMT

    Updated February 7, 2024, 01:58 GMT

Regardless of ideology, the news of the death of the former president of Chile Sebastián Piñera, who died this Tuesday, in a helicopter accident, triggered numerous messages of condolence from leaders and prominent leaders inside and outside his country, who praised the former president.

The president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, declared three days of national mourning in the country and said: “I want to express my condolences for the death of President Piñera.

“In particular, I extend a loving hug to his wife, his children, and to all Chileans who receive this news with pain,” added Boric, who succeeded Piñera as president in 2022.

Also in Chile, former president Michelle Bachelet also mourned the loss. “I deeply regret the death of former President Sebastián Piñera. In these difficult times, my condolences to his family, friends and loved ones, to Renovación Nacional and to all the Chileans who suffer today with his loss.”

Bachelet praised “former President Piñera’s commitment” to Chile and “democracy,” as well as “his tireless work and service to the nation.”

From Brazil, its president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, declared himself “surprised and sad” by the news. He said “it’s sad that he passed away so abruptly” and sent his condolences to his family and friends.

Outside Chile, one of those who was most affected was former Colombian president Iván Duque, who published an emotional message on X: “I feel the greatest pain for the death of my great friend and colleague Sebastián Piñera.”

Duque described Piñera as “a unique leader, an upright human being and a friend like few others who always supported Colombia.”

Another former Colombian president, Juan Manuel Santos, praised Piñera as a “great ally of Colombia” and highlighted that he “supported and was a guarantor of the peace process” in that country.

In Mexico, former president Felipe Calderón lamented the death of Piñera, whom he described as a “friend.” “His family loses an exemplary husband and father. Chile loses one of its best presidents. Democracy loses a fighter. Latin America loses a great leader and unparalleled economist. I hug his family and the Chileans.”

The former president of Argentina Mauricio Macri declared himself very affected: “It really is a total, irreplaceable loss,” said Macri, who also praised the deceased, whom he described as a “friend and a notable leader.”

Also from Argentina, former president Cristina Fernández, who highlighted the figure of Piñera above the differences that separated them, said: “As everyone knows, we did not have the same ideas, but we were always united by a relationship of great respect. He was a right-wing man, but deeply democratic. I fondly remember his sense of humor and the warmth of his family, whom I met in Chile.”

From Venezuela, its president, Nicolás Maduro, published in

“From Venezuela we extend our sincere words of support and solidarity, wishing strength to all his family and friends. Peace to his soul! “Maduro added.

In Bolivia, former president Evo Morales published a message of condolences for the physical disappearance of Piñera. “I was in numerous international meetings with him and, although we did not coincide ideologically, we worked side by side on several issues. My condolences to his loved ones and to the #chileanpeople,” he wrote in X.

Governments and foreign ministries from all over Latin America and other places in the world also sent official messages of condolences.

On the other side of the Atlantic, the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, described Piñera in X as “a tireless force for the growth and development of his country, an international leader committed to our cause for the Amazon, a friend of France.” and sent his condolences to his family, friends and the Chilean people.”

The Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, declared himself dismayed by Piñera’s death.

“During his mandate, we strengthened ties between our two countries and together we made COP 25 possible at a crucial moment in the fight against the climate emergency,” he said.

The Foreign Secretary and former British Prime Minister, David Cameron, declared himself “deeply saddened” by the news of the death of a leader whom he defined as “a true friend.”

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