Secondary infertility, the inability to conceive again

by time news

Not all women or men can conceive again naturally despite having previously had a child, a condition known as secondary infertility.

When a woman has one or more children naturally and without any kind of complication, she tends to think that she won’t have any problem if she wants to get pregnant again. However, this is not always the case, as secondary infertility could occur.

In this case, infertility occurs or begins to manifest itself over time.

Secondary infertility in women

The Dr. Elena Labarta, gynecologist at the IVI (Valencian Infertility Institute)explains that female secondary infertility is usually associated mainly with agesince the passage of time directly and markedly affects the reproductive potential of the woman.

But this is not the only factor that can influence, there are others that can also be present:

  • Endometriosis.
  • hormonal imbalances.
  • Decreased quality and quantity of eggsfrom the age of 35.
  • Increase in possible chromosomal abnormalities in embryosfrom the age of 38.

“If, in addition, in some cases, age is linked to any of the previously mentioned pathologies, we find ourselves with a more complex case,” says Dr. Labarta.

What happens to men?

In the case of men, the gynecologist points out two causes as possible triggers in the loss or deterioration of semen quality, which affects the chances of procreating.

  • Changes in lifestyle or health habits.
  • Appearance of some serious disease or pathology.

“For these reasons, it is essential that people know and be aware of all these factors when carrying out their family planning,” he points out.

In this way, the age plays a crucial rolel, since “waiting to have children presenting an age above 30 may imply that they will appear complications in the process and the need to go to reproductive medicine to achieve a pregnancy after several failed attempts by natural methods”, explains the specialist.

EFE / Welcome Velasco

Oocyte vitrification, an alternative

As a possible alternative, gynecologists recommend the option of vitrify oocytesa choice that in the case of women, offers the possibility of deciding without the pressure of time.

The vitrification of oocytes mainly allows postponing the reproductive capacity of the woman for as long as she wants, according to the IVI.

Thus, when the woman intends to become pregnant, she can use her previously vitrified ovules, which will keep intact the characteristics they had when they were preserved.

“In other words, if a woman vitrifies her eggs at age 30, and ten years later, at 40, she intends to get pregnant with them, her eggs will have the same quality as when they were vitrified,” the gynecologist clarifies.

When to start looking for help?

Regarding the possible doubts that arise about when to see a specialist in reproductive medicine, the expert recommends consulting if the woman is under 35 years of age, after a year of regular sexual relations without achieving pregnancy.

And, in the case of older women, generally over 35 years of age, it is advisable to find out after six months of sexual intercourse without pregnancy.

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