Secret trial of Australian female journalist in Chinese court: What is the background ..?  – Kanyakumari News | Nagercoil News

by time news

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Cheng Li, a female journalist born in China. He worked for the Chinese state-run CGDN until his arrest by Chinese police in 2020.
He has been accused of illegally distributing country secrets during his tenure. In his arrest, Australia insists that basic standards of justice be upheld. His family, who have denied the allegations against him, say he is ignorant. He is being held in a Beijing court with the doors closed and a secret trial is underway.

Speaking to reporters outside the court yesterday, Australian Ambassador to China Graham Fletcher said, “This is very worrying. Unsatisfactory. We are not convinced that an undercover investigation is valid. Australia will continue to speak out for Cheng Lee’s rights and interests. ”
But the Chinese government, which initially claimed that Cheng Li was being held in custody for China’s national security reasons, later said he had been arrested on a charge of spying. His children and elderly parents are reportedly suffering as a result of his arrest.

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