Secretary of Government. – Dependencies Bulletins

by time news
  • They perform an honor guard to commemorate the 190th Anniversary of the Public Security Forces of the state of Guanajuato.
  • They recognize elements of the Ministry of Public Security and deliver more than 121 million pesos in equipment.

Guanajuato, Gto. March 29, 2023.- Guanajuato families have a state police force that stands out nationally as one of the best for being made up of reliable, efficient, and professional women and men whose priority is to guarantee peace and tranquility in Guanajuato.

This was highlighted by the Secretary of Government, Libya Dennise García Muñoz Ledo when leading, on behalf of the Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, the ceremony for the 190th anniversary of the State Public Security Forces.

“The State Public Security Forces preserve the principles and values ​​as part of their essence; and they translate them into the guide of their actions to guarantee a climate of peace for harmonious coexistence, with that strength, with that dedication, with that vocation, you are a pillar in our strategy for a Safe Guanajuato ”, he emphasized.

From the State Government, the Secretary pointed out, support for the State Public Security Forces is endorsed, which is the best paid, best prepared and best equipped state police to deal with those who today want to violate or harm society.

“For this anniversary we have made an investment of almost 121 million pesos in equipment to reinforce its operation, we are delivering uniforms and personal protective equipment such as helmets and ballistic vests, for more than 92 million pesos.”

“We also delivered seven vehicles for different uses, with an investment of more than 7.5 million pesos and another 20.4 million pesos were allocated to the purchase of new communication equipment, which facilitates the coordination and deployment of operations; likewise, the shooting stand was equipped for its practice, with an investment of 277 thousand pesos, ”he reported.

In this State Administration, the number of elements of the FSPE has increased by 336% compared to 2018; The Ministry of Public Security keeps these forces well prepared and participating in operational actions, through the application of intelligence systems and technology.

“This results in an efficient corporation, which is demonstrated by the fact that 9 out of 10 arrests are made for crimes committed in flagrante delicto. In addition, within the framework of the State Council for Public Security, they work in coordination with the security forces of the federation and the municipalities”.

“This allows us to remain a police force close to the people, sensitive to social demands and a generator of trust and social tranquility. The State Public Security Forces are a pride of Guanajuato, they are also a national benchmark in security matters,” Libia Dennise pointed out.

At the ceremony, 322 awards for Perseverance were awarded to women and men who make up the State Public Security Forces, for their courage, spirit of service and professional improvement.

Also, 82 elements of the FSPE received recognition for Merit for Value or Outstanding Actions in their service to the community.

The Secretary of Security, Álvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini, stressed that in this State Administration the promotion and institutional strengthening of the FSPE has been fundamental in order to have one of the best state police in the country.

“The adoption of police intelligence systems in the construction of peace and tranquility allows us to develop intelligence techniques and methodologies to anticipate criminal threats, trace the profile of crimes, as well as the profile of priority objectives.”

“Police intelligence allows us to focus security strategies, refine actions and obtain better results,” he stressed.

All the divisions and groups of the State Public Security Forces work with this strategy, which have evolved under the concept of intelligence-based police action.

The Secretary of Public Security also highlighted the work carried out by the Rural Police, the K9 Canine Unit, the Archangel Group, among others. The ceremony was attended by Judge Ma. Rosa Medina Rodríguez; on behalf of the State Congress, Local Deputy Bricio Balderas Álvarez; Brigadier General DEM, Vicente Dimayuga Canales, Chief of Staff of the XVI Military Zone; Carlos Zamarripa Aguirre, Attorney General of the state of Guanajuato; Vicente Esqueda Méndez, Human Rights Ombudsman; representing the National Guard, Inspector Claudio Antonio Franco Pineda and the State Delegate of the National Intelligence Center, Carlos Moreno Sánchez.

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