Secularism at school: reports have more than doubled in one month

by time news

The subject of secularism at school, around the wearing of religious symbols, has been at the heart of the concerns of the Ministry of Education since the start of the school year. In October, he recorded 720 reports for attacks on secularism, a figure more than doubled compared to September, with still a high proportion of incidents linked to the wearing of religious outfits, he announced on Wednesday. This figure is up 130% compared to September, when 313 incidents were recorded in schools, colleges and high schools.

These figures were previously communicated quarterly, but their publication has changed to a monthly rhythm since September at the request of the Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye, who has promised “transparency” on these subjects. A total of 627 incidents were recorded in the first quarter of 2022 (December to March) and 904 in the second quarter (April to July 2021).

40% of the incidents recorded in October are for “wearing religious signs and outfits”, against 54% in September, the ministry said in a press release. They concern “mainly spaces and times of activities outside the classroom”, and are still by far the first cause of reports.

The Ministry of Education wants to strengthen support for school heads

Next come verbal provocations (14%, compared to 5% in September), protests against education (12%, compared to 7%), refusal of republican values ​​(9%, compared to 2%), community demands (6% , against 7%), refusal of school activity (5%, against 7%). By type of establishment, the majority of incidents took place in October in middle schools (52%, compared to 36% in September), 37% in high schools (compared to 51% in September), and 11% in primary education ( against 13%).

Faced with the increase in attacks on secularism, the ministry is planning a four-pronged plan to strengthen support for heads of establishments and better protect them, detailed in a circular which will be published Thursday in the Official Bulletin.

The four axes are as follows: “systematically and gradually punish the behavior of students that undermines secularism when it persists after a phase of dialogue”, “reinforce the protection and support for staff”, “support the heads of ‘establishment in the event of an attack’, ‘strengthen the training of staff and first and foremost that of heads of establishments’.

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