Secure your new smart device

by time news

EN) Nothing is more exciting than exploring the new features of a holiday gift, especially if it’s a brand new phone, tablet or laptop. Are you lucky to have received a new electronic toy for the holidays? Here’s how to set it up securely.


Even a new device may need software updates since its release. These updates are important for the optimal functioning of your device, but they may also contain security features that protect you and your personal information.

Always update your device as soon as fixes are available. Enabling automatic updates allows you to keep your device up to date without having to remember to do it manually.


A strong password is the first defense against cybercriminals who want to steal your personal data. If you can secure your device with a password, do so immediately. Use a strong password of 12 or more characters, including upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Better yet, use a passphrase of four or more random words and 15 or more characters.


Do you want more security? Multi-factor authentication gives your accounts and devices an extra layer of protection above your password. It could be a biometric element (fingerprint or facial recognition), a text message or even an email. If this option is available, make sure to enable multi-factor authentication wherever you can.

Owning a new smart device is sure to brighten up your holiday season, so don’t let cyber threats spoil your joy. To do this, update your operating system, create a foolproof password, and enable multi-factor authentication, if possible. You will therefore fully enjoy the Holidays in a safe way.

Get more tips on how to secure your new devices at

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