Security Left / Avi Moskov on Eisenkot’s tumultuous statement

by time news

The former Chief of Staff, Gadi Eisenkot, spoke out harshly against the settlers a few days ago and said that “the people who lead the line of settling everywhere, creating an irreversible situation, canceling the law of secession and bringing back the settlement – these are the people who lead to disaster.” His words come as part of a campaign The elections of the state camp in an attempt to wink at the left side of the political map as well as to establish Eisenkot’s personal status among the people of the left.

Indeed, Eisenkot, like the former chiefs of staff, Benny Gantz and Gabi Ashkenazi who found themselves in the political system, are leftists. And this is puzzling, why does the fact of their being chiefs of staff make them leftists? And that a man who commanded hundreds of thousands of fighters and was in constant conflict with the Arabs makes him a leftist? It is unlikely to say that this is nothing more than a strange coincidence.

The reason probably lies in internal processes taking place in the army. There is no doubt that the lower ranks of the army do not belong to one political side or another, and if they do, it is likely that the inclination is more to the right than to the left. However, the senior echelon of the army is apparently leaning to the left and this affects the appointment of senior officials. If the common soldier is on the “right side” in terms of his views, he will be able to advance and climb the ranks. If not, he will have to remain a junior soldier all his life.

Before the Chiefs of Staff reached their senior position, they were carefully examined as to what their political position was and after it became clear that their views were not right-wing, God forbid, they were then awarded the high position. It is possible that their views at first were not necessarily left-wing but aligned with the system in order to fulfill the dream.

The right, as a long-standing tradition, is removed from all points of influence in the country. In the courts, in the media, from the Knesset and apparently from the army as well. Although many of the IDF soldiers are right-wing in their views, from the very fact that most of the chiefs of staff, in recent years at least, are leftists, we learn that those who control the army are leftists.

All that is left for the right is to win the current election system and carry out far-reaching reforms in the courts and the prosecutor’s office, from where salvation will come. Dodi Amsalem’s words against the justice system, even if they are said blatantly, represent the majority of the right-wing public in Israel.

But the high probability is that the required reforms in the courts will not be done, and as has not happened in all the years of Benjamin Netanyahu’s term. The reason – the prosecutor’s office and the courts impose their wrath on the entire political system, and as previously published, every politician has a dark legal file that is kept in the prosecutor’s office for the day of decision. A criminal case is the terror of every politician and he would prefer not to deal seriously with the critical issue for the very existence of the right-wing camp, the main thing is not to arouse the wrath of the attorney’s office.

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