“See if mommy is breathing and run away”

by time news

He is only 14 years old, but in the face of the tragedy of his mother being stabbed by his father, he suddenly became a man, with an attitude of great protection towards his little brothers. He called 118 and then thought only of the little ones. “He was shaking like a leaf – recalls his neighbor Elisabetta Severini – he had tried to help his mother, to stem the wounds to her abdomen but then he decided to ask for help. I took him home and asked him about his brothers.” The father was already on the run and had said unequivocal words to the two children: “Put a mirror under mom’s nose to see if she’s still alive then run and come away.” A gesture of protection that perhaps hid the fear that something could happen to them too. After a night at their paternal grandparents’ house, the three children who witnessed their mother’s murder were taken in to a family home for minors. “Daddy stabbed her,” the eldest of Ezio Di Levrano and Ana Cristina Duarte Correia’s children told their neighbor. The girl remained silent, the six-year-old repeated for a long time: “Five stab wounds, five stab wounds.” “I’ve never seen anything so terrible, but my only regret is that I couldn’t save her,” the neighbor said.

Ana Cristina Duarte Correia, killed in front of her three children by her violent husband. «Years of abuse»

The abuse and arrest of her husband

Today, at 11, the hearing is scheduled to validate the arrest of Ezio Di Levrano, the 54-year-old driver in prison accused of aggravated voluntary homicide against his 38-year-old wife. A mass of accusations that could lead to life imprisonment. A femicide whose shadows start from afar, preceded by violent arguments, psychological harassment and blackmail related to the three children.

More than once the husband allegedly shouted at the woman: “If you leave me I’ll take your children away.” Di Levrano will be assisted by the lawyer Gaia Vergari: “I’m waiting to see the documents, but tomorrow morning (today, ed.) I’ll go to prison to talk to them and understand how to deal with the hearing.” There are several aggravating circumstances contested, including that of mistreatment in the family, then the family bond, the fact of having committed the crime in the presence of the minor children and the use of the weapon. But it is not excluded that, when the final charge is formulated, cruelty and futile motives could also be added.

Ana Cristina Duarte Correia, who was the woman killed by her husband in Pesaro: her Brazilian origins, her children, the violence and the photos on Instagram

The murder

The woman was left on the brink of death by multiple stab wounds to the abdomen, while her three children, aged 6, 13 and 14, were at home, at number 4 of Via Papa Celestino V in the village of Saltara. It was just after 2 am when all hell broke loose. Despite prompt medical attention, there was nothing that could be done for the woman; she died as soon as she arrived at the Torrette hospital. The autopsy will determine the number of stab wounds inflicted. Witnesses reported that she was losing a lot of blood. The autopsy will be scheduled for the next few hours. Throughout Saturday afternoon, investigators interviewed the three minors to reconstruct those terrible hours and the context in which the crime took place. Yesterday, the neighbor was also interviewed, the first to call for help together with her husband, shortly after 2 am, due to the desperate cries of the boys. Mrs. Elisabetta, 66, was not afraid: «Just hearing the children’s voices I understood that something very serious had happened». She called 112. But it was not the first time she had called the military. It had already happened a few days before. «I heard the screams, she said “you’re hurting me”, I called the police and they arrived immediately».

According to what Di Levrano reported to the Carabinieri, on September 2nd the woman had abandoned the marital home. Ana had been contacted by the Carabinieri and agreed to go to the barracks in Saltara to tell her version of the facts. Violence and abuse that often occurred in front of their three children, a hell described in tears but also with an iron will not to report her husband. It is easy to understand her fears also in light of the threat to take her children away. The military informed the Pesaro prosecutor’s office of what had happened and the Court immediately activated the urgent red code procedure.

Ana Cristina Duarte Correia, stabbed to death at 38 by her husband in front of their three children. Five days ago she told the police about the violence, but did not report it


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