see some benefits granted to subscribers

by time news

2023-12-31 20:40:48






CadÚnico: see some benefits granted to subscribers Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (Single Registry) is an instrument that identifies and characterizes low-income families, allowing the government to better understand the socioeconomic reality of this population. It records information such as: characteristics of the residence, identification of each person, education, work status and income, among others.

From 2003 onwards, the Single Registry became the main instrument of the Brazilian State for the selection and inclusion of low-income families in federal programs, being used obligatorily to grant benefits from the Auxílio Brasil Program, the Social Electricity Tariff , the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program, Bolsa Verde, among others. It can also be used to select beneficiaries of programs offered by state and municipal governments. Therefore, it functions as a gateway for families to access various public policies.

The execution of the Single Registry is a shared responsibility between the federal government, states, municipalities and the Federal District. At the federal level, the Ministry of Social Development (MDS) is the responsible manager, and Caixa Econômica Federal is the operating agent that maintains the Single Registry System.

The Single Registry is regulated by Decree No. 6,135, of June 26, 2007, and other regulations. Consult the legislation.

To register for the Single Registry, one person in the family must be responsible for providing information about all family members to the interviewer. This person — called the Person Responsible for the Family Unit (RF) — must be at least 16 years old and, preferably, be a woman.

The Family Responsible is the one who can guarantee that the information communicated during the interview is true, in addition to committing to updating the registration whenever there are changes in the family.

The RF must look for the sector responsible for the Cadastro Único or Auxílio Brasil in the city in which they live. If you don’t know where the registration location is, you can seek guidance at the Social Assistance Reference Center (Cras) closest to your home. In many locations, Cras itself registers families.

Mandatory documents
— For the person responsible for the Family Unit (RF), it is mandatory to present the CPF or Voter ID.

The exceptions are indigenous and quilombola families:
– The RF of the indigenous family can present the CPF, the voter registration card, but also the Administrative Register of Indigenous Birth (RANI) or other identification documents, such as marriage certificate, ID and work card;

– The RF of the quilombola family can present the CPF, voter registration card or other identification documents such as birth certificate, marriage certificate, ID or work card.

— For other members of the family, it is mandatory to present any of these identification documents: birth certificate, marriage certificate, CPF, identity card (RG), work card or Voter ID.

Documents that are not mandatory, but facilitate registration

Registration of people without documents
If someone in the family or if everyone in the family doesn’t have documents, there’s no problem. The Cadastro Único interviewer must carry out the interview, guide and direct the family or person to obtain the documents. If the person has never been registered, the first copy of the birth certificate is free. Registration is a right for low-income families.

However, until the Family Guardian presents one of the mandatory documents to the interviewer and one document for each family member, the registration will be incomplete and the family will not be able to participate in social programs. Still, it is important that registration is carried out, as this allows the government to know that it needs to carry out mobilization actions for civil birth registration and basic documentation of citizens.

People can report cases in which the Single Registry sector does not want to register by contacting the Ombudsman’s Office of the Ministry of Social Development (MDS). The telephone number is 0800 707 2003 (option 5).

Increasingly, the federal government, states and municipalities use the Single Registry to identify potential beneficiaries of social programs. This integrates efforts from all government spheres to combat poverty and contributes to optimizing program management, in addition to avoiding waste of public resources.

But registration does not mean automatic inclusion in social programs. These programs use information from the Cadastro Único, but are managed by other bodies. Family selection and care occurs in accordance with criteria and procedures defined by managers and the specific legislation of each of them.

Below is a list of the main federal programs that use the Cadastro Único, each with a hyperlink for more information. Remember: Prior inclusion in the Single Registry is a condition for participating in the programs listed below.

1. Auxílio Brasil Program2. Continuous Payment Benefit3. Social Electricity Tariff4. Minha Casa Minha Vida ProgramElderly CardRetirement for Low-Income PeoplePopular Telephone5. Exemption from Payment of Registration Fee for Public Competitions6. Cistern Programs7. Water for All8. Bolsa Verde (Environmental Conservation Support Program)9. Drought Grant 10. Program to Promote Rural Productive Activities/Technical Assistance and Rural Extension11. National Agrarian Reform Program12. National Land Credit Program13. Installation Credit 14. Social Charter 15. Assistance Services16. Literate Brazil Program17. Child Labor Eradication Program (Peti)18. Young Identity (Youth ID)19. ENEM CadÚnico: see some benefits granted to registrants

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