See which groups will not need to pay IPVA in 2023 – Jornal Contábil

by time news

The beginning of the year arrived and, with it, some bills, such as the Tax on Motor Vehicle Ownership (IPVA), charged from people who own a car.

However, it is important to know that some vehicle categories may have exemption from this annual tax. This exemption may vary between Brazilian states.

So, don’t miss the chance to save this beginning of the year! Read on to find out if you have right to IPVA exemption in 2023.

Read too: Vehicle transfer can now be carried out without advance payment of IPVA

Which groups are exempt from IPVA?

for having your rules defined by the State Treasury Departmentthe IPVA exemption may vary between the states of the Brazilian federation.

Just below, check out some classifications of vehicles in which they fit and in which states the exemption is valid.

Vehicle age exemption

Among the most common forms of exemption is the time of manufacture of the vehicle, that is, the time counted from its year of manufacture.

Find out the minimum car manufacturing time required in each Brazilian state by consulting the table below.

Manufacturing ExemptionBrazilian states
From 10 yearsRio Grande do Norte, Roraima and Amapá
Manufactured until 12/31/2002Alagoas
From 15 yearsFederal District, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Pará, Amazonas, Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Rio de Janeiro, Rondônia, Piauí and Sergipe
Over 18 yearsMato Grosso
From 20 yearsAcre, Sao Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso do Sul
From 30 yearsSanta Catarina and Tocantins

Please note the exceptions below:

  • In Minas Gerais, cars with a black license plate are exempt from collection or proven historical value, and cars acquired at public power auctions;
  • In Pernambuco, there is no IPVA exemption under any condition.

Exemption for people with disabilities

Although in general the people with disabilities entitled to exemption from IPVA, this rule may also vary between Brazilian states.

In São Paulo, for example, the exemption applies to vehicles registered in the name of people with disabilities.

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For people with disabilities who got the exemption in 2020, 2021 and 2022 who still have the same vehicle, are also exempt in 2023.

Heads up: If the driver changes cars, the tax exemption may be annulled. In addition, the vehicle must have an estimated value of no more than R$ 100,000.

The disabled driver can apply for exemption for the first time until February 28, 2023, through the Vehicle System website (SIVEI).

Read also: Meet the most searched cars of 2022

Exemption for electric and hybrid cars

As with the rules mentioned above, this type of exemption also varies between Brazilian states.

In the states of the Federal District, Maranhão, Rio Grande do Norte and Piauí, electric or hybrid vehicles 100% free of charge charged on IPVA.

In the state of São Paulo, electric and hybrid car owners can have reimbursement of up to BRL 3,300.00 of IPVA.

Know more: Guide to consult PIS by CPF in 2023 (number and balance)

In other states, the collection of the tax may be partial or total, considering that there is no law that requires exemption tax on this type of vehicle.

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Common questions

What are the vehicle groups exempt from IPVA 2023?

The exemption varies between Brazilian states, but it can happen for disabled people with a car in their name, for hybrid or electric cars, or even for a car with a certain manufacturing time.

What is the IPVA?

It is the Tax on Motor Vehicle Ownership, a fee charged to owners of vehicles in circulation in Brazil.

How do I get the IPVA exemption?

Check which type of exemption you fit in the state where you live, and then you can request the exemption through the Vehicle System website (SIVEI).

Does any Brazilian state not offer IPVA exemption?

Yes. In Pernambuco there is no IPVA exemption under any condition.

By Cecília Bezerra, majoring in Languages ​​and passionate about content production.

Original from MeuTudo

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