Seen from Spain, after the death of Nahel: “France on the verge of social collapse”

by time news

2023-07-03 10:00:00

RIOTS* – The death of 17-year-old Nahel, killed by a policeman in Nanterre, has triggered a climate of revolt that has spread to the suburbs of almost all major French cities, underlining the seriousness of the social situation in France.

Unusual deployment of the police, armored vehicles in the streets, barricaded storefronts, cancellations of concerts, curfews in certain cities… How does the Spanish press view these events? “Nothing can stop the wave of riots that has been sweeping France since Tuesday”, reports the Spanish daily The world specifying that “the French government tries in vain to stem the wave of revolt”.

THE “scenes of chaos” are repeated in unison by radio and television with information broadcast continuously: “tensions, arson, violent physical clashes, attacks with Molotov cocktails”, details the newspaper ABC and its counterparts.

The shadow of the 2005 riots and the Yellow Vests

“In the French suburbs, the situation repeats itself, never as a farce, but as a tragedy”, writes journalist José A. Soralla d’The newspaperbefore reciprocally describing the contrasting reactions of Nicolas Sarkozy and Emmanuel Macron. “While in 2005 a state of emergency was declared and Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy exonerated the police, Emmanuel Macron called Nahel’s death ‘unexplainable and inexcusable’ from day one “.

The French president sympathizes with the young man’s family and understands the wave of indignation but, on the other hand, The reason explain : “he supports security forces exhausted by successive public order crises, jihadist attacks, yellow vests or recently protests against pension reform, in a country where political violence is part of its revolutionary genetics.”

France has also been singled out on several occasions by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international organizations such as the Council of Europe for allegations of excessive use of violence by the police. The newspaper The country remember that “To find another similar situation of unrest in the corridors of power, you have to go back to the revolt of the Yellow Vests in 2018”.

A socio-identity fragmentation

always in The countrypolitical scientist Sami Naïr declares in an op-ed that “what happened is very significant of the growing distance between the state and a large part of the population”especially among young people from socially marginalized neighborhoods.

“The country has disintegrated socially and probably irreversibly over the past decades,” declares the political scientist, referring to Nicolas Sarkozy and the Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Solidarity Development “which has carved this ‘differentialism’ in stone, making the children of immigrants suspect social and cultural subjects. Sarkozy has officially justified this strategy of weakening the far right, depriving it of its favorite theme of mobilization” .

Finally, the National Cat evoked “the concern of the European Union at the difficulties of the French government to put an end to the demonstrations and fears that these will spread to other countries”.

Thursday evening, incidents broke out in Brussels. Across the Rhine, German government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said Berlin was watching “with some concern” what was happening in France. Emmanuel Macron’s planned visit to Germany from yesterday Sunday has been postponed for the time being.


#Spain #death #Nahel #France #verge #social #collapse

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