Segalmex and Diconsa merge as Food for Wellbeing and María Luisa Albores will be the head; Leonel Cota; Wellbeing Stores; AMLO; Reform to the Judicial Branch; Ernesto Zedillo and more

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The president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, held a press conference via YouTube today, September 17; announced the merger of Segalmex and Diconsa.

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo continues with activities after his triumph in thelessons Mexico 2024, where he took the presidential chair.

For this reason, this Tuesday, September 17, the president-elect will give a conference from Iztapalapa, where his campaign headquarters was and which now serves as his transition office.

The press conference began after 11:00 a.m. through Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo’s social media, including her YouTube channel and that of Morena Sí.

In it, the president-elect spoke about the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO)’s last cry for independence and their attendance at the 2024 Military Parade.

Also, Claudia Sheinbaum announced the merger of Segalmex and Diconsa, which will become Food for Wellbeing, and he announced that Diconsa Stores will be Wellness Stores.

He added that the head of Food for Welfare will be María Luisa Albores, and that the Sembrando Vida program will also be coordinated with said agency.

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Segalmex and Diconsa merge as Food for Wellbeing and María Luisa Albores will be the head; Leonel Cota; Wellbeing Stores; AMLO; Reform to the Judicial Branch; Ernesto Zedillo and more” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”” title=””>

Claudia Sheinbaum rules out early reform of prosecutors and public defenders, despite Arturo Zaldívar’s announcement

In light of Arturo Zaldívar’s announcement of an upcoming reform to the Public Prosecutor’s Office and Public Defender’s Office in Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum He ruled out that said initiative would be sent to the Congress of the Union soon.

The president-elect noted that First, secondary laws on the reform of the Judiciary must be approved, and work will be carried out on these reforms subsequently.

Claudia Sheinbaum said that they will wait to implement this reform, so it will not come into force at the same time as the reform of the Judiciary.

Claudia Sheinbaum conference: Seismic Alert would not work throughout the Republic

Claudia Sheinbaum pointed out that the Telephone seismic alert system was difficult to implement in Mexico City (CDMX)because it had to be coordinated with the telephone companies.

Claudia Sheinbaum shared that in other places in the republic it will only be able to operate if there is a sufficient distance to give notice of the epicenter of the earthquake, so “it wouldn’t necessarily work in other cities.”

“They work if there is enough distance between the epicenter and the place where the earthquake develops (…) in other places in the republic it could work if it is implemented where it is on the faults, but if there is enough distance between the epicenter and the place of the earthquake.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum says that the strategy in Sinaloa is to protect citizens and not attack criminal groups

Claudia Sheinbaum said that Sedena protects the population in the midst of the confrontation between criminal groups in Culiacán, Sinaloa.

The president-elect indicated that the security strategy is different, that It focuses on protecting the population and not directly attacking criminal cells.because that would generate more violence.

Claudia Sheinbaum said that launching direct attacks against criminal groups would only cause a war like the one experienced during Felipe Calderón’s six-year term.

“What we want is to combat the issue of insecurity in Sinaloa, but not by causing more deaths and obviously harm to civilians. We are acting in the sense of protecting and at the same time investigating to make the arrests that need to be made.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum responds to Ernesto Zedillo’s criticism of the reform of the Judicial Branch

Claudia Sheinbaum assured that Ernesto Zedillo is a representative of the old regime of corruption and privilegesso your opinion is in line with that.

The president-elect said that her argument for speaking out against the rReforming the judiciary is announcing a path to authoritarianismwhen the election of judges will be popular.

Given this situation, Claudia Sheinbaum pointed out that there is contradiction in his statements, and added that the reform only seeks to end the corruption that exists in the Judiciary.

“Now it turns out that Morena is going to appoint the judges, they are not going to be appointed by the people of Mexico and there will be a Committee (…) let’s see Fobaproa is the best example of the link between economic and political power, it was full of corruption, a debt that we are still paying.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum is considering whether she will attend the G20 as she expects a visit from the President of Germany

Claudia Sheinbaum announced that she will focus on governing Mexico, for which who will attend few events abroad.

In the case of the G20, the president-elect said that is considering whether to attend the meeting, which will take place in November 2024.

Claudia Sheinbaum said that her attendance at such an event is appreciated because German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will be visiting Mexico around that time, so he doesn’t know whether he will go to the G20 or not.

“The G20 is in November, right away, I am evaluating whether it is worth it and especially because of the dates because it is, I think it is November 18, the president of Germany called us because he wants to come to Mexico, he wants to make a visit and of course we said yes, it is on those dates too and then he comes on November 20, obviously we have to be in Mexico. So we are evaluating it.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum rules out political tension over the reform of the Judicial Branch

Claudia Sheinbaum assured that There is no political tension over the reform of the Judiciary, that there are only those who do not agree with her because that is how democracy is.

He pointed out that There is “opposition” to judicial reform, but that such a project was voted for by the majority of Mexicans.

He stressed that the corresponding procedures for the election of ministers, judges, magistrates and others will begin in October.

“There is opposition, but that doesn’t mean there is tension, it is part of democratic norms.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum reiterates that there will be no break with AMLO

Claudia Sheinbaum assured that, although the opposition points out a difference of ideas and the alleged imposition of projects to cause break with AMLO, such a situation will not occur.

The president-elect noted that There will be no breakup if both have spent years building the transformation project together.

“There is this idea that it does not allow me to be, to act differently in the reform of the Judicial Branch for example, because there is a desire from our adversaries for there to be a break, but there cannot be a break if we have been building this project together.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum confirms economic support for women aged 60 to 64 from indigenous communities

Claudia Sheinbaum pointed out that The program for women aged 60 to 64 will be universal in indigenous communities.

The president-elect’s words came after being questioned about actions in favor of Mexican indigenous peoples, and she stated that the women of these communities They will receive the aforementioned financial support in the first year of their government.

Claudia Sheinbaum announces Leonel Cota as Undersecretary of Agriculture

Claudia Sheinbaum announced that the current head of Mexican Food Security (Segalmex), Leonel Cota Montaño will be an undersecretary in his cabinet.

The president-elect indicated that Leonel Cota will be Undersecretary of Agriculture and Rural Developmenta department owned by Julio Berdegué Sacristán.

Claudia Sheinbaum appoints head of Food for Wellbeing; it will be María Luisa Albores

Claudia Sheinbaum pointed out that The merger of Segalmex and Diconsa will be named “Food for Wellbeing” and what isThe holder will be María Luisa Albores.

The president-elect said that María Luisa Albores has a long career and experience in production, and also recounted part of her career.

He also noted that This area will also be merged with Sembrando Vida.

“This is something important and we are working on it and it will be something very good because it will strengthen the link between marketing and the producer.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum points out changes in Diconsa Stores

Claudia Sheinbaum pointed out that in addition to the merger between Segalmex and Diconsa, there will also be another change in the departments.

This is about the name change in the Diconsa Stores, which will be called Wellness Stores, as the department in charge of social programs of the current government is called.

“We are going to concentrate them in one store where all the Diconsa stores are, which we are going to call the Welfare stores.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum announces merger of Segalmex and Diconsa

Claudia Sheinbaum announced at her press conference that during her administration Segalmex and Diconsa will merge, to reduce the problems that were experienced in the current administration.

The president-elect noted that This merger is coordinated with the Ministry of Agriculture. and other areas of the cabinet, with whom he has had regular meetings prior to the start of his government.

“Merging what would be Segalmex with Diconsa to make a single unit had its problems that some already know and others also derive from the fact that there are 3 units, so we are going to concentrate them into a single one.

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum shares her excitement for the Grito de Independencia ceremony with AMLO

Claudia Sheinbaum shared that she felt great emotion during thethe ceremony of the Cry of Independence of last September 15the last one of the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

The president-elect said that seeing so many people in the Zócalo and the shouts of Mexicans, including children, supporting AMLO brought tears to his eyes.

“And then yesterday it was very, very impressive, and the Zócalo was also packed, packed.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

2024-09-18 00:23:23

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