Ségolène Royal questions the war crimes committed in Ukraine, despite the evidence

by time news

Former socialist minister Ségolène Royal questioned the reality of war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine. denouncing “war propaganda through fear” from the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, Ségolène Royal notably questioned, on BFMTV “bombed motherhood” in southeastern Ukraine in March. According to her, “You can imagine that if there was the slightest victim, the slightest baby with blood, in the age of mobile phones we would have had them (the images)…”.

For the record, two photographers from the Associated Press agency have extensively documented the consequences of the Russian bombardments on Mariupol. One of their shots of a seriously injured pregnant woman being evacuated on a stretcher, and later dying along with her baby, went viral.

A seriously injured pregnant woman evacuated after the shelling of a maternity ward in Mariupol, March 9, 2022. Neither the mother nor the baby survived.
Read also: War in Ukraine: six months of conflict marred by war crimes

The former socialist candidate for the 2007 presidential election also questioned the massacre of Boutcha, a residential suburb of kyiv that became a martyr city during its occupation by Russian forces in March, or “the story of child rape for seven hours under the eyes of the parents”. “It’s monstrous to go and broadcast things like this only to interrupt the peace process”she said.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers War in Ukraine: Amnesty International’s investigation concludes that “there is irrefutable evidence of war crimes”

A “shipwreck” for Raphaël Glucksmann

“Peace in Ukraine is not made impossible by the victims of the invasion, but by Putin’s will to conquer! »reacted on Twitter Thursday afternoon the first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure.

“War crimes are documented, denying it is an insult to the murdered, the raped, the tortured! To say otherwise is propaganda! »he continued.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Ukraine, Boutcha and Kharkiv overwhelmed by corpses

In another tweet, he added: “She says that the denunciation of crimes (which she doubts) has a purpose: to hinder the peace process. The attacked become the warmongers. Until proven otherwise, the Ukrainians are the resisters in a war they did not choose”, he criticized. MEP Raphaël Glucksmann (Public Square) has, him, denounced a “shipwreck. Total “.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers From kyiv to Boutcha, the war diaries of Jonathan Littell

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