Selling Eggs at 40 paisa Minus Price Announced by Nesebag: Advice to Farmers

by time news
Namakkal, Dec. 5-
The Tamil Nadu Poultry Farmers’ Association has announced that farmers should sell eggs only at a price minus 40 paise as announced by ‘Nespack’.
4.50 crore eggs are produced daily by 5 crore chickens reared in 1,100 farms in Namakkal and Salem districts. The eggs thus produced are sold to the Tamil Nadu Nutrition Scheme, locally, Kerala and abroad.
The National Egg Coordinating Committee (NEC) fixes the procurement price for three days in a week, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Similarly, the Namakkal Egg Price Fixation Advisory Committee (NESBEC) recommends farmers to sell at a discount from the purchase price. Farmers are advised not to sell more or less of them.
In this case, the Tamil Nadu Poultry Farmers’ Association has said that they should not sell more than the minus price announced by ‘Nespack’. In this regard, the press release issued:
In northern states including Barwala, egg prices are rising in all zones. In Namakkal Mandal, most of the farms do not have egg stock. Therefore, no one should sell eggs for more than 40 cents as declared by ‘Nespack’. Karthik Deepam will end on the 7th. After that there is a possibility to increase the sale of eggs. Considering them, the farmers should unanimously agree that eggs should be sold only at the price declared by ‘Nesebag’.
It says so.

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