Seminar in East Timor: I will be able to see Pope Francis face to face

by time news

2024-09-09 00:00:00

Ebid Lone, a Clare seminary in East Timor, is enthusiastic about the Pontiff’s visit to the country: “It will be a blessing, a precious moment in which I will be able to see Francis directly, face to face: so far I have not but he saw it on TV.”

East Timor is the third country of the four that make up the Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to Asia and Oceania together with Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Singapore, on the longest journey of the Pontificate.

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In statements given to the Pontifical Mission Societies in Spain, the young man affirms that “when it was announced that the Pope would visit this country, everyone was filled with joy.”

Originally from Indonesia, Lone is grateful “for all the things the missionaries gave me, especially the Claretians” and he admits that his childhood dream was to become a priest: “When I went to mass with my parents in Indonesia, I was very impressed”, he explains.

About to be ordained a deacon, his 11-year training was made possible thanks to a Spanish Claretian missionary, as his family is of humble origins. Now, he is willing to go “wherever the community and the Church need, because I am a missionary.”

He is currently working in East Timor, a small country with less than 350 priests where about 1,000 nuns also evangelize. The Catholic Church is present through 66 parishes, 51 social entities such as hospitals and homes for the elderly and disabled, as well as more than 300 schools where thousands of students are trained.

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#Seminar #East #Timor #Pope #Francis #face #face

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