Sen. Tim Scott Resets Presidential Campaign, Focuses on Iowa

by time news

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) is making a strategic shift in his presidential campaign as he seeks to gain momentum in the competitive race. After months of stagnant polling nationally, Scott is refocusing his efforts on Iowa, where he has seen slightly better numbers.

Scott’s campaign announced on Monday that they will be reallocating resources from New Hampshire to Iowa. They plan to double their staff on the ground in Iowa, open a new headquarters in West Des Moines, and increase their ad presence in the state. This move demonstrates Scott’s commitment to the first-in-the-nation GOP caucus state and his belief that it offers the best path to success.

Jennifer DeCasper, Scott’s campaign manager, emphasized the importance of Iowa and the unique advantages Scott brings to the table. She stated that no other candidate has the resources, support, and message that Scott possesses, making him a strong contender in the Hawkeye State. DeCasper believes that Iowa is a crucial first step for Scott in his quest to secure the nomination.

To show his dedication to Iowa, Scott will be spending the next five days in the state as part of his “Good News Tour.” Following the third debate, he will return to Iowa every week until the mid-January caucus. This level of commitment demonstrates Scott’s determination to connect with caucus-goers and make a lasting impression.

While Scott has not confirmed if he has qualified for the November debate stage, he does have a financial advantage over some of his rivals. With $22 million from his Senate campaign, Scott has more money on hand. However, he has also been spending at a faster rate than his competitors, which could raise concerns about his campaign’s financial sustainability.

Scott’s campaign has reserved $1.6 million in TV ads in Iowa, further highlighting his focus on the state. This investment aims to increase his visibility and reach a larger audience of potential supporters.

In recent weeks, Scott has attempted to differentiate himself from former President Donald Trump, emphasizing their conflicts and diverging views. His campaign has been discussing the factions of the party that are open to a Trump alternative and highlighting the history of tensions between Scott and Trump, particularly after the Charlottesville incident.

Campaign leadership has assured donors that there will be movement in October and compared the current phase of the race to the early innings of a baseball game. They noted that previous caucus winners like Mike Huckabee, Sen. Ted Cruz, and former senator Rick Santorum faced low polling at this stage, but went on to win the nomination. This comparison seeks to instill confidence in donors and supporters that Scott’s campaign can still gain traction and secure the nomination.

Overall, Sen. Tim Scott is taking decisive steps to revive his presidential campaign. By redirecting resources to Iowa, increasing his staff presence, and investing in ads, Scott is positioning himself as a serious contender in the state. His dedication and strategic adjustments demonstrate his commitment to securing the nomination and challenging his rivals in the race.

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