By unanimous vote of 127 votes in favor, the Senate Mexican approved the constitutional reform that recognizes the pueblos y indigenous communities as subjects of public law with legal personality and their own assets and recognizes the pueblos y Afro-Mexican communities.
Furthermore, the right of the childhood, adolescence y indigenous youth y afromexicana to adequate attention, in their own languages, to make effective the knowledge and full exercise of their rights of access to education, health, technology, art, culture, sports and job training, among others.
“Likewise, to guarantee a life free of exclusion, discrimination and violence, especially of the sexual violence and gender, and to establish policies aimed at preventing and treating addictions, with a view to respecting their cultural identities”.
In justifying the opinion, the president of the Constitutional Affairs Committee, Ernestina Godoy Ramosconsidered it necessary and urgent to end the structural and historical discrimination that these sectors of the population have faced.
“Today we are making an effort to dismantle, from our constitutional mandate, this structure of domination and exclusion that has persisted among us, despite the social transformations that have taken place in our history,” he said.
The approved reform establishes that Mexico “It will have a multicultural and multiethnic composition originally based on its indigenous peoples, who are those communities with a historical continuity of the precolonial societies established in the national territory that preserve, develop and transmit their social, normative, economic, cultural and political institutions or part of them.”
2024-09-26 18:03:21