Senator asks TCU to investigate default at Caixa, revealed by UOL

by time news

1970-01-01 02:00:00

Senator Jorge Kajuru (PDB-GO) today asked the TCU (Union Court of Auditors) to carry out a financial audit at Caixa. The order is based on report published today by UOLwhich showed a billionaire default and the burning of state bank reserves after two provisional measures signed by Jair Bolsonaro in an election year.

The facts brought present harmful results to the Treasury. These are the consequences of a robust process of instrumentalization of the Public Administration focused on the electoral campaign. The creation and instrumentalization of social programs with the sole objective of interfering in the election is a serious infraction, as it represents abuse of political and economic power, as it had the objective of impacting the dispute between candidates.”
Jorge Kajuru, Senator of the Republic for PSB-GO

Federal deputy Luciene Cavalcante (PSOL-SP) also asked this Monday that the TCU investigate the facts revealed by the UOL and take “appropriate measures to hold accountable” former president Jair Bolsonaro and former Caixa president Pedro Guimarães.

The exact damage caused by the use of the Caixa Econômica Federal to open credits on the eve of the election is still unknown, but the evidence is already sufficient to conclude that public resources have been misused and the breach caused in the bank and in the FGTS.”
Luciene Cavalcante, federal deputy for PSOL-SP

The deputy also asked that the Electoral Attorney General’s Office investigate the facts, apply a fine and make Bolsonaro ineligible, “given signs of abuse of economic and political power and the intention to buy votes”.

What was revealed by the report

investigation of UOL showed the results of two provisional measures signed by Bolsonaro to create Caixa credits for low-income people.

The first of them, called SIM Digital, lent BRL 3 billion in microcredit to negative people. Today, default is 80%, according to the current president of the bank. The billionaire default will be covered mainly with FGTS resources, in addition to bringing losses to Caixa.

The second provisional measure created the Auxílio Brasil payroll loan, which deducts the value of the installments directly from the social benefit. The credit line was started after the first round and lent, in twenty days, R$ 7.6 billion. After Bolsonaro’s defeat, Caixa closed the tap, reveals the report: 99% of the credits were granted until the second round.

In another article published today, UOL also reveals that the box burned reservations to borrow more in an election year. As a result, the short-term liquidity ratio — an indicator of risk — reached the worst level of the state-owned bank.

When contacted, Caixa stated, in a note, that “it observes the legislation in force in all its processes”. Pedro Guimaraes declined to comment. Jair Bolsonaro’s lawyer, Fabio Wajngarten, did not respond.

#Senator #asks #TCU #investigate #default #Caixa #revealed #UOL

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