Senatorial elections: right and center retain the majority, the RN returns… the main lessons of the election

by time news

2023-09-25 12:43:33

The result was known in advance: the Republicans and Hervé Marseille’s UDI retained the senatorial majority after the renewal of 170 of the 348 seats in the Luxembourg Palace. As of this Sunday, September 24 in the evening, the president of the LR group, Bruno Retailleau, welcomed a “consolidated senatorial majority” with the UDI group of Hervé Marseille and the victory of the Les Républicains group which “remains very largely the first group in the Senate.” If the right had 145 seats before the election, it expected Sunday evening to have only 143 or 144 left.

If there were some defeats in Maine-et-Loire, Seine-et-Marne for example (for the benefit of the RN), or even in Paris, where senator Pierre Charon (dissident list) was beaten, the LR list made a big score in the capital and the Republicans won two seats in the Pyrénées-Orientales. Enough to further comfort Gérard Larcher, re-elected Sunday evening in Yvelines, whose re-election for a new term as president of the Senate, on October 2, is in little doubt. Hervé Marseille, largely re-elected, with two seats in Hauts-de-Seine, also sees his group of around sixty senators strengthening its presence.

On the left, Yannick Jadot and Ian Brossat become senators

On the left, the PS (62 seats before the final results) retains the second group in the Senate. “Symbolically, it is important”, welcomes the socialist leader – and candidate in the North – Patrick Kanner, satisfied to have signed “a win-win agreement” with the communists and ecologists in around fifteen departments. Like in Paris where the left list won the eight seats.

Thus, the former environmentalist presidential candidate Yannick Jadot or Anne Hidalgo’s communist deputy, Ian Brossat, entered the Senate. François Hollande’s former minister, Laurence Rossignol, managed to be elected despite changing departments, from Oise to Val-de-Marne.

The environmentalist senator for French people abroad, Mathilde Ollivier, becomes the youngest member of the Chamber after her election on Sunday, at the age of 29. Another lesson, the Insoumis, for lack of local elected officials, and excluded from the agreement between the socialists, the ecologists and the communists, lose out in the election even if they obtain a seat in Reunion.

The defeat of Renaissance, Secretary of State Sonia Backès beaten

As for the Renaissance party, it is paying for its lack of territorial presence and its poor results in the last municipal elections. With an emblematic defeat, that of the Secretary of State for Citizenship Sonia Backès, the only member of the government in the running on a national scale, beaten in the second round in New Caledonia by the separatist Robert Xowie. A surprise of the election.

Will she still retain her place in government? According to our information, Sonia Backès jumped on a plane to go to Paris where her future remains to be determined. Another failure, in Paris, where the presidential majority disappears after the defeat of senator Julien Bargeton. Édouard Philippe’s Horizons party is doing better after its municipal victories in Reims or Angers, synonymous with seats on Sunday evening.

Three seats for the National Rally

This Sunday, it was especially the RN who rejoiced by making their big return to the upper house. Jordan Bardella’s party no longer had a senator since the transfer of Stéphane Ravier to Reconquête, Éric Zemmour’s party. From now on, the RN has three seats in its ranks, after the election of Christopher Szczurek in Pas-de-Calais, Joshua Hochart in the North and Aymeric Durox in Seine-et-Marne.

However, the RN elected officials will not be able to form a group – 10 elected officials are needed – which will limit their influence in the hemicycle. Reconquest senator Sébastien Meurant was defeated.

#Senatorial #elections #center #retain #majority #returns.. #main #lessons #election

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