Senators want to make nominative and dematerialized tickets mandatory for sporting events

by time news

The senators have ideas in mind. After the incidents that occurred during the Champions League football final at the end of May 2022, the Senate Law and Culture Committees, in a joint report, had issued as a very first recommendation the use of tamper-proof tickets for the entrance to stadiums. Thanks to the bill relating to the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP), the senators are extending their request: in an amendment, adopted on Tuesday July 17 by the Culture Committee, they propose to establish “an obligation for the organizers of the most important sporting events” to use tickets “nominative, dematerialized and tamper-proof”.

“It is essential to better prevent fraud and disturbances in sports arenas”considers Claude Kern (Centrist Union), author of the amendment and rapporteur for opinion on the bill, which refers in particular to what happened during the Champions League final, between Real Madrid and Liverpool: Thousands of UK spectators were unable to access the stadium, many without tickets, some with counterfeit tickets.

On this last point, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin had sparked controversy by evoking a “massive, industrial and organized fraud”. He had accused “35,000 supporters” English for coming to Paris with forged tickets, or without tickets, and thus causing congestion at the entrance to the stadium.

After investigation, it emerged that the number of counterfeit tickets had actually been 2,471 (including 1,644 in the area dedicated to Liverpool supporters). A figure, however “ten times higher than the averages usually observed” during European football matches, according to the Senate report.

Read also: The final conclusions of the Senate on the incidents at the Stade de France: “Sequence of malfunctions”, “failures”, “loss of control”

The adopted amendment does not specify from how many spectators this obligation would apply. “This gauge will be fixed by decree in order to take into account the specificities of each discipline and the context”explains Claude Kern.

Furthermore, this provision would only apply as of July 1, 2024. The time of “carrying out an in-depth dialogue with the sports movement”. In any case, “the sports minister [Amélie Oudéa-Castéra] share our position on this subject »assures Claude Kern about the future of this amendment during the discussion of the bill in public session, from January 24.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Olympics 2024: the scope of the Olympic bill goes far beyond the Games alone

A sanction targeting environmental activists

The senators also increased the sanctions proposed by the government (creation of two new offences) aimed at persons attempting to enter, or entering, by force or by fraud in a sports arena, and those entering the competition area during a sporting event.

Where the bill proposes to establish, for situations of recidivism or in meetings, on the one hand six months’ imprisonment and a 7,500 euro fine, on the other hand a 7,500 euro fine, the senators wish to add tort sanctions aimed at “isolated first offenders” : they would be fined 3,750 euros in both cases.

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“The objective is to prevent the reiteration of the troubles observed recently at the Stade de France on the one hand and at Roland Garros on the other”, underlines the amendment. If the mention of the Stadium
de France refers to fraudulent entry attempts, that of Roland-Garros concerns the actions of environmental activists who have, in recent months, interrupted several sporting events, including the Parisian tennis tournament.

Genetic testing for the fight against doping beyond the Games

The Senate Culture Committee has also adopted an amendment which aims, in the context of the fight against doping, to extend the application of genetic tests, instituted by the bill relating to the JOP. These would concern “all competitions, whether international or national, as well as out-of-competition testing”.

The government proposes, during “the period surrounding the Games”to authorize the French anti-doping laboratory of Châtenay-Malabry – which will settle in Orsay from 2023 – to carry out analyzes “consisting of the examination of genetic characteristics or the comparison of genetic fingerprints of athletes” to detect the presence and use of prohibited substances or methods.

The amendment of the culture committee comes in addition to an amendment that should be adopted, Wednesday, January 18, the Senate law committee, which aims to extend the duration of experimentation of these genetic tests beyond only JOPs, “until June 2025”. “If we do not act, we could experience a weakening of the expertise of the national anti-doping laboratory”advances Claude Kern, who adds that “These tests are already carried out in Switzerland or Belgium”.

According to the impact study communicated by the government, the volume of genetic analysis carried out during the previous Games “remains limited since it amounted to 25 in Tokyo and 31 in Beijing”.

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