Senegal: Vision for Development and Accountability – A Letter to His Excellency the President of the Republic

by time news

I allow myself this epistolary entry into your living room as you did in the offices and workplaces of all civil servants the day after the Korete festival, to urge them to work for “Zub, Jubal, Jubanti” Can go. You’ve set values ​​and a vision. Even if this message is addressed directly to civil servants and administration agents, it should be recognized that the content is intended for all citizens in a global manner. Indeed, each of us must strive to put Senegal on the path to emergence and even development. This is possible because we have all the assets to aspire to well-being like other countries. We have arable land, water, sea, mineral resources, good gray matter and ultimately strong and great institutions. Until then, you and your Prime Minister, Ousmane Sonko, will continue to take reassuring steps in this direction. If this trend is maintained within five years with continued encouragement from the government and its branches, all signs will be green for a real emergence.

With Senegalese talent, nothing is impossible. To get there we need transparency, good organization and deep reforms. All appointments should be supported by a performance contract for periodic evaluation. This contract should be set out by the roadmap that any applicant or applicants must submit along with their CV in addition to the specifications that the Government imposes on each of its units.

His Excellency the President of the Republic,
I have come to a big concern. I don’t need to remind you of the importance of media in any society. Whatever the differences and opinions on this cross-cutting sector, there is a need for strong guidelines in this area to be able to support your project and bring it to fruition. All is not rotten, there is reason for hope because, imagine, it is the media actors themselves who initiated the national conference, the process of which started in October 2022. The common solutions of these states have made it possible to outline structural and large-scale solutions regarding the various ills of the media environment. The determination of the actors in the concrete work done so far has always been guided by the power of time. The Press Code, CORED, the new National Collective Agreement for the Press Sector, the Press Aid and Development Fund (FADP), and the National Press Card Commission are encouraging examples of this. These achievements were achieved as part of the Coordination of Press Associations (CAP) synergy, which has brought together professional media organizations since the beginning of 2016.

In your strong desire to establish transparency, accountability and fight corruption in all forms and in all sectors, you are betting heavily on whistleblowers. In your various messages since your election, I have not been able to clearly understand the role of the media in this noble and benevolent desire. However, throughout time, the media, such as the Security Defense Forces (FDS), the Department of Justice, have always been the first pillar in this fight. There was immense pressure on the media from 2015 to 2024. While some gave up, others stood their ground and worked individually or with African or international associations to investigate, process and bring to light the scandals. This is the case of an arms shipment worth $45 billion coming from the United States, including weapons from Petro TIM, Tullow Oil, Oryx and the Ministry of Environment, among others.

This is to tell you that if good and transparent cooperation is guaranteed, the media can do impeccable and professional work in the fight for accountability.

Indeed, journalism remains a codified profession with age-old texts and techniques that have adapted over time with regular updates in terms of practices, hence the new media. Through investigative journalism, the press has the legal means to shed light on cases of embezzlement, embezzlement, embezzlement and corruption. There should be complete coordination between members of the administration, whistleblowers and civil society organizations to expose and highlight all the acts of bad governance committed in this country.

His Excellency the President of the Republic,

The evil of the press is not limited to this area. Senegal is a very sick institution. Hands, feet and vital organs become gangrenous. Prophylaxis should be careful and thorough. But, above all, it must be done by the actors concerned in collaboration with all useful and determined profiles. We have proposed remedies from the press that are a good basis to enrich and implement for the benefit of all components of Senegalese society.

Wishing you great success, including achieving your objectives, Your Excellency the President of the Republic, I ask you to accept the expression of my high and respectful opinion.

Ibrahima Lisa Faye, Journalist – Blogger
PressAfrique Publishing Director
[email protected]

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