Senior Gymnasts Celebrate Summer Break with Mega Class and Community Fun

by time news

Dozens of senior gymnasts from six groups participated yesterday in a mega class organized by the União de Freguesias de Eiras e São Paulo de Frades, followed by a gathering to mark the end of activities before the summer break. All of them are over 50 years old, some in their 80s, they moved, danced and had fun, under the guidance of teacher Bruna. The municipality, which had three senior gymnastics classes in 2021 when Luís Correia took office, now has six in various locations: Eiras, Santa Apolónia, Relvinha, Vale da Luz, São Paulo de Frades, and Lordemão. The aim, the mayor revealed, is to expand, with plans to start classes in Bairro António Sérgio, at facilities of the Residents’ Association.

Currently under evaluation, he noted, is the water aerobics program, which the parish promotes in partnership with the União Clube Eirense at the Rui Abreu swimming pools, with users on a waiting list. Until about two months ago, the Senior Gymnastics service was provided by a company from Famalicão and was “costly,” leading to an invitation to Bruna, a young resident of the parish, and the camaraderie between the “students” and the teacher of the six groups was visibly apparent yesterday. The responsible person, who treats the young people over 50 well (as they say), is also pleased with the challenge.

People are always joining, and no one gives up, I would say, noticing that gymnastics makes them more active, facilitating daily tasks. With 118 enrolled, the gathering made it clear from the start the prevailing good mood. Armando Sousa, 68 years old, says he leaves the classes in a good mood, sometimes tired but in a good mood. And pains? “I only pay attention to the first three pains, after that I forget, I pay no attention to them.” In the same class, in Lordemão, one of the most attended, are also Adelaide Ferreira, 66 years old, and Natália Ponte, in her 70s. Dancing is what they enjoy doing the most. And yesterday they danced cheerfully. However, before that, they listened to Luís Correia talk about the social support office, created in January and led by Marisa Lobo, which organized the gathering at the Roda Pedaleira facilities in Eiras.

For next year, the president of the União de Freguesias announced that a similar gathering is being planned, but intergenerational, allowing the “athletes” to bring their grandchildren. Luís Correia also reminded that on September 14 there will be a senior outing to Peniche, with a visit to the fortress (where the Museum of Resistance and Freedom is located), as part of the celebrations of the 50 years of April.

Moreover, the municipality has already taken the younger ones there. With the partner Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa (Coimbra delegation of CVP) present, participants also had the opportunity to undergo blood pressure and blood glucose screenings. From the Youth volunteers of CVP Coimbra, coordinated by Rafael Farinha, they received information, advice, and precautions to take regarding sun exposure, as part of the project #My Sun Lives + Summer.

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