Shares of Power Grid rose 4 points to close at Rs 208 per share. Meanwhile, shares of NTPC, HUL and Dr Reddy’s saw gains. Shares of Bajaj Accounting fell 396 points and shares of Kotak Mahindra Bank fell 49 points.
The Sensex opened at 58,059.76 points at the start of the day. Stood at a high of 58,187.91 points. Similarly, it traded at a low of 57,803.87 points.
The Sensex had a high of 62,245.43 points and a low of 44,923.08 points in the last 52 weeks.
For the National Stock Exchange, it was 17,283.20 points at the start of this morning. It then went from a high of 17,343.00 points to a low of 17,225.80 points.
The Nifty has a 52-week high of 18,604.45 points and a low of 13,131.45 points.