Seo Dong-ju “I’m the type of person who is prone to being pushy… “Human relationships are so difficult.”

by times news cr

[서울=뉴시스]Broadcaster Seo Dong-ju confessed his concerns about human relationships.

On the 27th, a video titled ‘Human relationships are too difficult even at 40’ was posted on the YouTube channel ‘Altruistic Instructor Seo Dong-ju’.

Seo Dong-ju said, “It’s been really difficult recently because people close to me have been rude to me. “But I was worried about whether to say it or not,” he confessed. “It was really difficult because I couldn’t tell whether these people were doing this for a short time or if they were going to continue doing this in the future,” he confessed.

Seo Dong-ju, who said, “I expressed it to a few people because I was having a hard time, and I just kept my distance from a few people,” said, “The friends who kept their distance noticed me and became kinder.” However, “I actually got better with the person I spoke to. I realized that not saying anything wasn’t the right answer. “I think it’s right to express it if you can express it in a polite manner appropriate to the situation,” he added.

Seo Dong-ju also said, “I am the same no matter who I meet. People of all ages and genders are treated equally, but it was very difficult when I felt like someone was treating me differently. “It’s very difficult when it’s clear that the other person is dividing classes based on their own criteria and doing it to me,” he said. “So when I distanced myself from him, he actually became kinder, that’s just his personality,” he said.

Seo Dong-ju said, “Some people are very nice to me when I am nice to them, while others use their sincerity to exploit me and think of me like a brat.” He said, “I have a style that makes it easy for me to become a pushover. “I think that’s because I can’t quietly say what I don’t like,” he complained.

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2024-09-28 20:56:40

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