SEPE-Lanbide: How can I check the status of my unemployment benefit?

by time news

The SEPE allows all kinds of queries to be made through an SMS with a single-use password

Unemployment benefit has a fixed duration, so it is advisable to check your status more or less frequently to avoid unpleasant surprises. New technologies have opened the range of options when carrying out this type of procedure.

It is no longer necessary to go to an office of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) to find out, for example, how many months of unemployment remain to be collected. All you have to do is have an internet connection, a mobile phone and follow a few simple steps.

The first is to enter the electronic headquarters of the public entity and access the ‘Procedures and services’ tab. Once there, you have to select the ‘People’ button. Next, choose the option ‘Check the data and receipt of your benefit’ and then ‘Consult the benefit’.

The next step is to select the ‘Mobile Phone Pin’ option. Once inside, we must enter the personal identification number (NIF/NIE), and the telephone number.

The system will then send an SMS to our terminal with the password to enter. If the benefit is recognized, you can see its amount and duration.

Payroll inquiry

The ‘Inquiry about benefits’ service also allows you to find out other information. For example, those related to payroll receipts, which include their description, period, accruals and deductions.

In another tab you can access the personal and financial entity data existing in the SEPE database. In case of detecting any error in this regard, the user must notify the pertinent variations in their benefits office.

The ‘Applications’ section shows the information on the applications for benefits and subsidies submitted to the SEPE. This service allows you to consult the last request as the history.

The “Denials” tab allows you to consult, if any, the history of requests rejected by the public entity. Lastly, the “REASS Subsidy” section will be enabled only for those citizens who belong to the Special System for Agricultural Employed Workers included in the General Social Security Scheme. A summary of the agricultural subsidies received in the last five years is shown.

In addition to the telephone PIN, there are other ways of accessing these services, such as the digital certificate or the electronic DNI.

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