SEPE | Notice to those who receive the subsidy for those over 52 years of age: this is the new requirement

by time news

The increase in the Minimum Interprofessional Salary (SMI) up to 1,080 euros gross per month in 14 payments implies the automatic change of the economic requirements of a series of aids in which the level of income of the possible beneficiaries is taken into account. One of them is the subsidy of 480 euros per month for unemployed people over 52 years of age who have already exhausted the benefit or the subsequent unemployment subsidy.

Among the conditions that those who request this aid must meet is that of not having their own monthly income greater than 75% of the SMI, excluding the proportional part of two extra payments. That is to say, that until last month, when the minimum salary was 1,000 euros per month, they could receive income with a maximum of 750 euros from, for example, the charge for renting a place they owned. Now, that threshold reaches 810 euros per month, which may increase the number of potential beneficiaries.

In addition, it must be taken into account that this subsidy for those over 52 can be requested for one year from the date on which we exhausted the unemployment or the first subsidy, so that we do not completely lose the option of requesting it because at that moment our level of income does not fit the aid requirements. If our economic conditions change during the following twelve months we will also be able to process your request.

This subsidy stands out for being the only one that contributes for retirement, as well as for providing coverage to unemployed people until they reach retirement age as long as the requirements are still met. The monthly amount of this subsidy is equal to 80% of the multiple effects public income indicator (IPREM).

In this way, the requirements to access this aid are the following:

-Be unemployed. Discontinuous permanent workers will not be able to access this subsidy when the date of the causal event that entitles them to receive the aid is prior to March 2, 2022.

-Being 52 years of age or older on the date on which the requirements to access the subsidy are met for being in any of these cases:

a) Having exhausted the contributory benefit or the unemployment subsidy.

b) Be an emigrant returned to Spain (you must have worked abroad for at least 12 months in the last six years, since your last departure from Spain, in countries not belonging to the European Union or the European Economic Area and not have the right to to contributory unemployment benefit).

c) To be released from prison without the right to collect unemployment, when the deprivation of liberty has exceeded 6 months.

d) Having been declared a fully capable person or with partial permanent disability as a result of a review file for improvement of a situation of great disability, absolute permanent disability or total permanent disability for the habitual profession.

e) Be in a legal situation of unemployment and not have the right to collect unemployment, having contributed for unemployment for at least between 90 and 359 days.

-Being registered as a job seeker for one month from when the unemployment benefit that was being received runs out. Or from the date of registration as a jobseeker if the subsidy is accessed for being a returned emigrant, released from prison or due to disability review, and not having rejected any suitable job offer during that month. Nor can they have refused to participate -except for justified cause- in actions for promotion, training or professional reconversion.

-Fulfill the activity commitment included in the subsidy application.

-Lack of own monthly income greater than 75% of the Minimum Interprofessional Salary (SMI), excluding the proportional part of two extra payments.

-Certify that on the date of the application for the subsidy you meet all the requirements, except for age, to access any contributory retirement pension (having contributed for retirement for 15 years, two of them within the last 15) and have contributed for unemployment a minimum of 6 years throughout their working life.

When to process it

There are several assumptions:

-If you are 52 years of age or older at the time of meeting all the requirements to access a subsidy, you must request it within 15 business days following the one in which the waiting period of one month or prove to be unemployed due to involuntary termination of a job (proving an employment period of more than 90 days and less than 360).

-If on the date on which the person is in any case of access to a subsidy he is not 52 years old, he will have to present the application within 15 business days following the fulfillment of said age. If you are currently receiving any other subsidy, it will be extinguished and the one for people over 52 years of age will be recognized.

In any case, if the application is submitted after the deadline, the right will be born from the day following the application. Provided, of course, that the requirements are met not only on the date of application, but also on the date of the causal event, and that no cause for extinction of the right has occurred.

How to present it

The application can be submitted through:

-The SEPE electronic headquarters.

-At the benefits office (after having booked an appointment at the SEPE electronic office or by phone (912738384).

-In any public registry office.

-By administrative mail.

Necessary documentation

-Official application form (can be found on the SEPE website).

-Identification document of the applicant. In the case of people with Spanish nationality, the DNI or passport. In the case of foreigners from a country of the European Union and residents in Spain, the EU citizen registration certificate in which the NIE appears, together with the passport or identification document in their country of origin. For non-nationals of the EU, Foreigner Identity Card (TIE) in which the NIE is recorded, and the passport.

-Any bank document that shows the account number of which the person is the owner and where he wishes to receive the benefit.

-Only if the SEPE requests it, proof of income.

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