September 5, 2024: FFSG appeal to press associations

by time news

The Social Forces of Guinea, strongly committed to freedom of the press and in particular the liberation of the media whose approvals have been withdrawn through abuse of authority, are impatiently awaiting the realization of the hope of an imminent peaceful resolution recently announced for the umpteenth time by the President of URTELGUI.

It should be recalled that this other announcement by the President of URTELGUI, took place on 08/29/2024 following their meeting to make contact with the Minister of Communication and Information as part of a new mandate at the head of the organization.

As in the past, this thinly veiled call for restraint on behalf of the Press Associations comes at a time when the Social Forces of Guinea, through a press conference, as well as other defenders of freedoms, have launched an appeal for indignation from all actors in public life against rights violations, including the closure of media outlets leading to hundreds of job losses.

However, one can legitimately question the logic of a certain coincidence that has become habitual between our calls for action against the closure of the media and the declarations of the President of URTELGUI, generally in the name of the Press Associations, reporting significant progress in the negotiations with this or that authority, which have remained without follow-up.

However, we dare to hope that this time it is not just speeches or maneuvers by the authorities aimed at neutralizing the combination of efforts against violations of rights and freedoms, thus making media bosses more apathetic in the face of the sealing of their companies.

Furthermore, although we have never received a response to our request for synergy of action, addressed to the Press Associations in December 2023, to put an end to the unjust attacks perpetrated against freedoms by the transitional authorities, we remain mobilized for freedom of the press, as well as freedoms in general, in the interest of our country, and this, without condition.

Consequently, the Social Forces of Guinea invite media bosses to never sully their image by accepting any offer of celebration, on September 5, 2024 and the following days, in the form of poisoned achievements, of the third year of abuse of authority, humiliation and suffering of the people in general and more particularly of the private press.

Finally, the Social Forces of Guinea call on all Guineans, each according to their legal or legitimate possibilities, to peacefully make the day of September 5, 2024, a day of national indignation.

Conakry, 01/09/2024

La Coordination du FFSG

2024-09-02 18:44:15

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