Sergio Aguayo is urgently needed for effective accountability controls over the armed forces

by time news

2023-05-24 14:00:00

CDMX.- Journalist and editorialist Sergio Aguayo asserts that they lack, and nothing justifies the omission, of effective surrender controls on the armed forces.

Aguayo in his article today, refers thatwe are all accountable. The big exception is the military. who continue to live in a bubble of privilege”.

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The journalist’s demand occurs in the context of the accusations of corruption within the Sedena and military espionageexposed by organized society and the media.

But also in relation to appearance of the security leadership in the Senate, on May 30and in which the holders of Sedena, Louis Crescent Sandoval; Marina Jose Rafael Ojeda; Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Rosa Icela Rodríguezand of the National Guard, Luis Rodriguez Bucio.

The person who has been involved in the corruption and espionage scandals is precisely Sandoval, the head of National Defense.

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The military, as documented by the press and civil society, has carried out family trips abroad charged to the public treasury and acquired for 9 million pesos a luxury apartment (with a value of 30 million pesos) with a government contractor.

To this is added the illegal espionage that is carried out from the Sedena against opponents and even members of the government itselfas it became known recently about the case of Alejandro EncinasUndersecretary for Human Rights.

Issues for which Sandoval has been harshly questioned. About, Aguayo clarifies that the questions asked of the general are legitimate because the agency under his charge is the one that has received the most resources. since Felipe Calderón started the war against drugs.

“During Calderon’s six-year term, the armed forces received 398 billion pesos and between 2019 and 2023 there are already 960 billion pesos (more than double)”the journalist refers.

Regarding the appearance, Aguayo points out that Senator Ricardo Monreal did everything possible for the security cabinet to appear only before the Bicamaral Commission for the Evaluation and Monitoring of the Permanent Armed Forces in Public Security Tasks, and the meeting is private.

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He adds that this was in order to avoid the plenary session and the questioning about “sumptuous travel, the luxury apartment and espionage”.

“We will be scrupulous in the sense of appearance and nothing to do with all the personal issues of each of the members, because We fully trust the Armed Forces and the honor of the Secretary of National Defense”, Monreal has said about it.

Regarding the attitude of the senator from Zacatecas, the journalist points out that it is “Commendable because Congress must be a counterweight to the other powers.”

In this sense, he asserts that “nothing justifies the absence of effective controls on the use of resources or possible abuses such as military espionage”y urges Congress to “emancipate itself and take seriously its constitutional role.”

#Sergio #Aguayo #urgently #needed #effective #accountability #controls #armed #forces

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