Serious adverse drug reactions on the rise

by time news

DECRYPTION – More than 8% of hospitalizations are linked to an adverse effect. Yet 16% of these accidents could be avoided.

It is a warning signal. In ten years, the percentage of hospitalizations linked to an adverse drug effect has jumped from 3.6% to 8.5%, if we compare the Emir studies (conducted in 2007) and Iatrostat (2018). That’s an increase of 136%! In total, 212,500 people were hospitalized for a medication accident in 2018. They were 144,000 in 2007.

The most surprising thing is that scientists do not understand why such an increase. “This is a trend seen in other countries, but we don’t have a clear explanation”comments the Pr Marie-Laure Laroche, pharmacologist at the regional pharmacovigilance center (CRPV) in Limoges, principal investigator of the Iatrostat study, conducted by the network of 31 CRPVs and presented on May 18 to the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and health (ANSM).

This is not linked to an increase in drug consumption, since it fell slightly between the two periods. “The aging of…

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