Serval light armored vehicles delivered to the French Army

by time news

The French Army is getting stronger. More than 30 Serval light armored vehicles will be delivered this week, the first of a program launched at the end of 2018. “Twelve vehicles have been delivered and 20 will be delivered by the end of the week”, a spokesperson said on Thursday. of the ministry, General Yann Gravethe.

Intended to replace the forward-armoured vehicle (VAB) in service since 1976, the Serval is a light armored vehicle which “distinguishes itself from its predecessor (…) by its increased qualities of mobility”, according to Commander Tristan, officer in charge of the Serval program at the Technical Section of the Army (STAT).

Some “119 machines are scheduled to be delivered in 2023 and a total of 364 Serval have been ordered to date and will be delivered by 2025”, he added. By 2030, the Armies expect to receive 978 copies.

“Renew and modernize”

This multirole armored vehicle, produced by the French groups Nexter and Texelis, is the third type of armored vehicle being delivered as part of the Scorpion program aimed at “renewing and modernizing” the armored vehicles of the French army, which will be connected to each other, according to Colonel Damien Sandeau, Scorpion program officer at the Army General Staff.

More than 450 Griffons, which are also heavier armored personnel carriers, have already been delivered since 2019, and around 40 Jaguars, armored reconnaissance and combat vehicles equipped with a 40 mm cannon, have been delivered. been handed over to the Army since 2020.

In addition to transporting infantry, the Serval will serve, according to Commander Tristan, as a surface-to-air artillery or anti-drone platform.

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