Setskog, Birkebeinerrennet 2024 | Petter (21) made his debut in Birken: – Won’t be the last time

by time news

Petter Nordby from Setskog was very tired, but cheerful and happy after finishing his first Birkebeinerrenn on Sunday. It took him just over five hours – or 5.05.35, to be exact.

– I would have liked to have been a few minutes under instead of over the five-hour limit, so it’s a bit annoying. But with that, I have the goal clear for next year, and then I also know a lot more about what I’m going for. It was a decent debut, the 21-year-old concluded to Indre Akershus Blad after the classic test of strength had been completed.

Useful experiences

It was, as always, a test of strength, although the driving and conditions were very good after the organizers made the chess move to move the race from Saturday to Sunday due to the weather conditions. Petter had convulsive tendencies in the first half.

– I realize that I drank too little along the way, and became dehydrated. But I can take it as a useful lesson in relation to upcoming races, said the set skater, who described the 54 kilometers from Rena to Lillehammer as a grueling course.

– I had heard a lot about all the slopes beforehand, so I had a certain idea of ​​what to expect. But in retrospect I have to say they were both more numerous and tougher than I expected. I probably should have been better prepared, he admitted.

Flimsy foundation

For the debutant went to the great baptism of fire with a rather modest foundation.

– It’s almost embarrassing to say it, but I only had about 15 miles in my body this winter before I signed up a month ago. Now, of course, I do a lot of forestry work in my spare time, so I keep my body in good shape. But next year I will ensure significantly better preparations than this year, stated Nordby, who is currently studying forestry at NMBU in Ås in his first year.

Nature experience

He made no secret of the fact that the trip over the three mountains in the interior was a great natural experience.

– Yes, what a ski trip! I made time for a few small stops to enjoy the lovely surroundings. When I first had to make my debut in Birken, I couldn’t have hit it better with the weather.

– Felleski was also a perfect choice of skis on Sunday’s run. So it wasn’t the skis. Rather the form, Petter Nordby stated with a smile.

Exactly THAT he intends to do something about next year!

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