Seven ideas to quickly and easily add protein to your salads, and 43 recipes to put into practice

by time news

Las salads they are not always healthy and nutritious dishes. However, if we seek to achieve a filling and easy preparation as well as quick to prepare, we leave seven ideas to add proteins to them and 43 recipes to put into practice.

Increasing the protein content of our salads without making their preparation more complex can be of great help. to keep hunger under control with your intake.

Therefore, we leave the following ideas to quickly and easily add protein to our salads:

Add canned fish or shellfish

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If we have only prepared a fresh vegetable salad, we can increase the protein intake of this dish and likewise its satiating power by incorporating a can of natural tuna or in oil or other canned fish or shellfish.

These alternatives are one of the few excellent quality processed products that we can use when cooking, to incorporate proteins and in many cases quality fats simply and quickly to our dishes.

With a can of fish or shellfish we can enrich different saladspreparing, for example, a tuna belly salad, a bean and anchovy salad, a potato and tuna salad, a pasta and tuna salad, a mimosa salad, a green bean, arugula, anchovy and cheese salad or a salad with canned salmon.

Use cheeses in all its variants

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Los cheeses They constitute an excellent source of protein that we can easily add to our salads, using a fresh or tender cheese that we can add in small pieces or a fresh whipped cheese that can be part of our salad dressing or dressing.

Likewise, we can incorporate in smaller proportions cured or semi-cured grated cheeses and at the same time increase the calcium and potassium intake.

With cheese we can make a fresh spinach salad with blueberries, walnuts and cheese; an avocado, cheese and honey salad; a very simple caprese salad; a grilled zucchini salad with feta; a melon, feta and lime salad; or a tomato, bread and feta salad.

Add boiled egg or egg white

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He egg It is a high-quality protein source that we can cook in a very short time and add to our salads to increase its satiating power.

We can simply cook the egg in boiling water or use the microwave for it, thus speeding up kitchen times and easily enriching our salad.

Thus, some salads that we can prepare in minutes using eggs are a broccoli and avocado salad with egg, a keto egg salad, an orange, egg and cod salad, or a potato, artichoke and egg salad.

Incorporate smoked salmon or other similar

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Smoked salmon that is ready to eat is an excellent option to add proteins in high proportions and easily to our salads.

Of course we can also go to other foods smoked and good sources of protein such as smoked trout, smoked cod or meat that has undergone the same process and is ready to eat.

Although we should not abuse these foods, they are a good alternative when we seek to easily solve a nutritious and satisfying salad due to its high protein.

Thus, we can prepare an orange, celery and smoked trout salad with eggs, a salad with smoked cod and others, a smoked salmon salad with dill vinaigrette, a crispy bean salad with smoked cod, an aubergine and broccoli salad with smoked cod, or a pasta and smoked salad.

Use yogurt, ideal for creamy salads

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He plain yogurt or Greek yogurtare an excellent source of quality protein that we can easily incorporate into our salads, especially if we are looking for a creamy consistency.

Thus, we can use yogurt to make a grilled lettuce salad with avocado and yogurt, a raita or creamy yogurt salad with radishes, spinach and cabbage, a creamy chicken salad with grapes, a cold pasta salad with yogurt sauce , a cucumber and yogurt salad, or a potato salad and Greek yogurt.

Add canned or canned vegetables

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Canned or canned legumes, which are ready to eat, can be another alternative to add vegetable proteins and other quality nutrients in our salads, considerably increasing their satiating power.

Especially if we do not consume foods of animal origin, the legumes They are an excellent option to enrich our salads, being able to prepare with them a chickpea, avocado and feta salad, a chickpea, olive, tomato and cheese salad, a bean salad with curry tofu, a burrito salad, a chickpeas, corn and avocado, a fresh bean salad, a rice and lentil salad, a lentil salad with mustard vinaigrette or a lentil salad with feta cheese.

The 11 most famous salads in the world and how to prepare them at home in a healthy way

Incorporate cacahuetes or cacahuete crema

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As we have said, legumes are an excellent alternative to add vegetable proteins and in this sense, we can go to peanuts or peanut butter that used as nuts can easily be incorporated into our salads.

To increase the satiating power of our dishes we can resort to roasted peanuts, always avoiding fried and salty alternatives, or make a simple peanut butter at home to dress the dish.

Thus, we can prepare a pineapple, cucumber and peanut salad, an avocado and peanut slaai salad, a crunchy integral couscous salad with red cabbage and pomegranate, a Thai salad, or a broccoli salad with peanuts, seeds and brewer’s yeast.

These are seven ideas to quickly and easily add protein to your salads and 43 recipes to put into practice.

In vitónica | 19 salads rich in lean proteins to avoid losing muscle on the slope of January

Image | Cover Photo: Vitónica, Photo 1: Jumpstory, Photo 2: Jumpstory, Photo 3: Mustafa Bashari, Photo 4: Giovanna Gomes, Photo 5: Sara Cervera, Photo 6: Tanushree Rao, Photo 7: Jumpstory

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