Seven members of the same family murdered, the violence never ends in Mexico

by time news

Mexico is unable to stem the tide of violence that kills thousands every year. This Sunday, seven members of the same family were murdered in the east of the country. Critics redouble towards the security policy of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who repeats that violence cannot be fought with violence.

The bodies of three women and four men, including a minor, were found in the eastern state of Veracruz, the public prosecutor’s office said on Monday. The victims “are members of a single family” owner of a chain of butchers, told AFP a source from the National Guard, a security body created by President Lopez Obrador after he came to power in 2018.

12,737 murders between January and May

Mexico is confronted with violence mainly linked to drug trafficking, which has claimed nearly 340,000 victims since December 2006. Former President Vicente Calderon (2006-2012) then launched an all-out war against drug traffickers, which finally radicalized and atomized into more armed and more violent cells. On Saturday, an army officer died during an operation that led to the arrest of three suspected narcos in the state of Sonora (northwest), announced the head of state during his conference of daily Press.

Mexico recorded 12,737 murders between January and May, according to official figures. “We are convinced that we cannot confront violence with violence”, repeated the head of state, who says he wants to first tackle the causes of violence, namely poverty and unemployment. .

Two Jesuits killed

His strategy of “hugs, not shootouts” with organized crime was called into question after the assassination of two Jesuits 10 days ago in the mountains of Chihuahua (north). “How many assassinations in Mexico! lamented Pope Francis, himself a Jesuit.

“It is time to revise the security strategies which are failing”, had reacted the Episcopal Conference, asking the government to listen to the whole of society (families of victims, police, media, all parties… ) and implement a “national dialogue” for peace. “We believe that it is not useful to deny reality,” she added.

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