seven thresholds that allow life on the planet have already been crossed

by time news

2023-06-01 08:06:07

More than 40 researchers carry out an investigation to quantify the limits of the Earth and issue a serious warning: many of those thresholds have already been exceeded. It is the conclusion reached by the Land Commission. The study has been published in the journal ‘Nature’ and it assesses security and justice for humanity on the planet.

Crossing these “red lines” means a “series of catastrophic changes” now and for future generations that are already inevitable. Hope, the good news is that one of them, the hole in the ozone layer, has reversed.

“The results are quite worrying: Within the five domains analysed, several boundaries have already been transgressed,” explains Johan Rockström, co-chair of the Earth Commission, lead author and director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Change Impact Research. , according to ‘Europa Press’.

He adds that unless a “transformation” occurs, the consequences will be “inevitable.” “Avoiding that scenario is crucial if we are to ensure a safe and just future for current and future generations.”

The Earth Commission has quantified safe and fair limits for climate, biodiversity, freshwater, air, soil, and water pollution, and most have been breached. For example, human activities are altering water flows, excessive amounts of nutrients are released into waterways due to the use of fertilizers, exposes ‘Europa Press’.

They issue another warning: although the “safe” limit of 1.5 degrees above which the average temperature of the Earth should not rise has not been exceeded, but the degree considered “fair” has been exceeded to avoid damage caused by climate change, which is set at 1º.

Other thresholds exceeded are: keeping between 50%-60% of nature intact (unfulfilled, collects ‘Efe’), not exceeding 20% ​​alteration of surface water flow (unfulfilled) or the use of groundwater should not be greater than the recharge capacity of the aquifers (also breached).

If not reversed, the damage could be extensive: loss of life, displacement, loss of food, water or nutritional security, chronic diseases, injuries or malnutrition.

#thresholds #life #planet #crossed

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