Seven tips to overcome the discomfort of working out at the gym

by time news – Relaxed muscles or overweight? Do you need to get back in shape but don’t feel like doing it in a gym in front of everyone, even strangers? The Guardian suggests well seven steps to overcome the discomfort of the gym and the shyness of exercising in public: first, consider in general the fact that “no one else cares what you’re doing” and then choose secluded times of day, when fewer people go to the gym.

And then you have to build a habit at the gym: it usually takes a while to get into the rhythm, specialists in the genre even calculate from 18 to 254 days, with an average of 66. “In the early days, then, every time you show up is a victory, even if you do nothing but walk through the doors, stretch a bit, take a shower and leave,” notes the newspaper.

Act three, is fine-tuning your fitness by choosing a handful of moves and taking the time to learn the dos and don’ts that can help you become more confident. Fourth move is learn how to structure a workout for the goals you have set yourselfEven a movement as simple as a squat – that is, a multi-joint exercise – can produce radically different effects on the body depending on the weight used, how many times you lift it and how much you rest between exercises.

Among the recommendations, there is to choose a personal trainer: it is very useful to rely on someone who knows how to do it. And once you have gained confidence and also the habit of going to the gym knowing the basics of the movements, “you can start aiming for an effective and measurable improvement, which is also the real starting point of the fun”.

Dulcis in fundo: love with the gym hasn’t broken out yet? Well, it should be remembered that “exercise is just like movies, books or music: if you don’t like the same things as everyone else, there are dozens of different options to try”.

So the London newspaper’s advice is to “experiment enough until you’re able to show up in a busy gym” by taking the chest exercises and doing a good, well-structured workout.

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