Seven tips to save fuel when traveling

by time news

S. M.



With fuel prices on the rise, maintaining efficient driving is now key so that our pockets do not suffer every time we have to refuel. To do this you have to follow seven techniques to reduce consumption between 6 and 12% of fuel, from the hand of a Seat expert:

drive smoothly: Sudden changes of pace, acceleration and braking increase fuel consumption. For this reason, “it is important to drive fluidly, anticipating the track, and making transitions smoothly,” he explains. Angel Suarez, engineer at the Seat Technical Center. The short marches should be reserved for the first seconds of circulation and bet whenever possible on the long ones.

It is best to follow the instructions of the GSI indicator (proper gear indicator) of our vehicle or in the event that it does not have this system, we will try to make the changes before 2,500 rpm. “More revolutions imply a higher fuel consumption,” says Suárez.

Turn off the engine during long stops: Keeping the car running during long stops is counterproductive, as it overheats the engine and increases fuel consumption. When it comes to short stops, for example at traffic lights, the engine idling consumes about 1 liter per hour.

keep a constant speed: Speed ​​changes affect fuel consumption, so it is preferable to maintain the same speed as long as the traffic and the road allow it. “Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) is the perfect solution to set the speed on surfaces without significant unevenness, such as highways,” says Suárez. In this sense, the IEA has recommended a reduction of 10 km/h as a saving measure. And it is that in fact it has been proven that on the motorway just reducing to 110 km/h helps to save 11% of fuel consumption.

Use the engine brake: “Whenever possible, we will try to stop smoothly by removing our foot from the accelerator, taking advantage of the opposite pressure to the movement exerted by the transmission on the engine, before stepping on the brake pedal,” advises Suárez. Thus, the car brakes progressively without depending on the supply of fuel to the engine, and its consumption decreases. For this, it is essential to anticipate and respect the safety distance. «Many times we find people who put a deadlock before a descent. This concept is wrong, since at that moment the engine is disconnected from the gearbox and we do have consumption”, comments the engineer. “The proper procedure is to use the engine brake, that is, with the gear engaged, we lift our foot off the accelerator and, in this way, there will be no consumption,” he adds.

Weigh between air conditioning and windows: «It is best to always use the AUTO function of the AC system so that the compressor works in the most efficient way to reach the desired temperature without penalizing consumption. From 80 km/h, when aerodynamics play a relevant role, we should always keep the windows closed”, recommends Suárez.

Monitor tire pressure: Doing so is key in terms of safety, but also in terms of efficient driving. Suárez advises “distributing the load correctly in the trunk in order to reduce the weight of the vehicle, which also affects efficiency, and then adjust the tire pressure” and, in the event that we need to carry a luggage rack, we must be aware that this will penalize our consumption.

Plan the route: A scheduled itinerary is vital to save. Unforeseen events such as shocks, having to stop due to traffic jams or getting lost on unknown paths can unnecessarily prolong the trip, and consequently consumption. Therefore, “it is better to study the route, take advantage of the moment with less traffic and use the same trip to meet several needs,” he concludes.

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