Seven tricks to prevent your smart home from being hacked

by time news

In an increasingly connected world, it is hard to imagine a house that does not have some kind of smart device. In Spain, 40% of Spaniards already have a smart device at home and nine out of ten people consider that these devices make life easier, according to a recent study by IPSOS. Whether it’s a speaker You can also create a shopping list, a doorbell with a fully functional camera or a fire alarm that connects directly to your mobile phone to remind you to change the batteries, there are as many options as there are needs.

However, this does not imply that these devices are risk-free. In fact, research revealed a few months ago that, on average, homes with smart devices are exposed to 12,000 cyberattacks per week from anywhere in the world, which indicates the magnitude of the problem. From there, just turn on the news to hear horror stories, ranging from devices eavesdropping on private conversations to hackers using camera devices to access live inside homes.

Also, as if that were not enough, these intruders can go a step further and take advantage of telecommuting to go to professional devices, sometimes unprotected, that are connected to the same compromised WiFi and gain access to the corporate network. By using smart home devices as a gateway, these cybercriminals can open up a path of total chaos, affecting not only personal privacy, but also leading to a potential company-wide data breach.

“As users, we are well aware of the precautions that need to be taken to prevent criminals from breaking into our homes and stealing our physical possessions. However, most of the time we overlook the hidden threats posed by our smart home devices, which allow cybercriminals to observe and listen to our most private conversations within our own home”, highlights Eusebio Nieva, technical director of the company of Cybersecurity Check Point for Spain and Portugal.

Taking this into account, it is essential that the user take the necessary measures to avoid suffering any type of incident. Below, we collect seven of the most important.


Updating devices when necessary is essential to keep a home and your data protected. Cybercriminals are constantly changing the way they attack, so it’s important to have up-to-date protection against these threats.

Configure the Wi-Fi correctly

Most routers allow you to create a separate network for them, which means more obstacles when cybercriminals try to gain access. It is also possible to set up a ‘guest setup’ to allow friends and family to access the Internet, but without the added risk of having to register or share your access details with the main network.

improve passwords

When it comes to creating strong device passwords, make sure they are random and not personal. It is true that complex passwords are more difficult to remember, so it is advisable to use a password manager to keep them protected.

Double authentication when you can

Establishing an additional form of authentication, known as two-factor or 2FA, can deter cybercriminals from accessing these devices. Although this may be a slight inconvenience to the user, it is nothing compared to the disruption that a cyber attack.


Make sure a router uses the highest level of encryption to keep your data safe from unwanted threats. Be sure not to forget internal WiFi extenders or Powerline home networks, which will also have a setting to allow encryption throughout the home network. This, in turn, will add an extra layer of protection, not only for your router, but also for your smart devices.

change the keys

This is different from WiFi network passwords, but just as important. Most routers have a default simple password to allow easy setup when first installed, but as a result they are just as easy for cybercriminals to guess, there are even lists of the most common ones online, so be safe and change them as soon as possible.

Beware of work devices

With more and more people working from home, it’s important to protect work devices as well as personal devices when they rely on your home Wi-Fi network. To do this, make sure they are up to date with the latest antivirus technology. By keeping them safe, you can reduce the threat they pose.

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