Seventh in number: Another institution will open a faculty of medical studies

by time news

Two and a half years have passed since the establishment of the Faculty of Medical Studies at Ariel University in Samaria, and today (Friday) it was announced that another institution is joining the ranks of places where it is possible to receive professional training on the way to the coveted degree. Reichman University, the former IDC in Herzliya, is expected to establish the first private school for medicine named after Dina Recanati, in order to catch up with the growing shortage of doctors, and for the immediate increase in the number of medical students in Israel.

Udi Recanati and Prof. Uriel Reichman Photo: Eyal Gaziel

Reichman University, the former IDC in Herzliya, is expected to establish the first private school for medicine named after Dina Recanati, in order to catch up with the growing shortage of doctors, which puts the field of medicine in Israel in real danger and requires a quick response. In recent years, the proportion of medical graduates abroad stands at 60% of all medical license holders in the country. According to data from the Ministry of Health from February 2021, the State of Israel holds a record number of physicians trained outside the country.

The founding president and chairman of the board of directors of Reichman University, Prof. Uriel Reichman, said: “We are announcing a trip today. A journey that will not take too long and in the end a medical school named after Dina Recanati will be established here, which will be a world-leading and innovative school of its kind. The school will work in cooperation with all medical institutions in the country and with the Ministry of Health, so that we will bring back Israelis who are forced to run to considerable lands and study in foreign institutions. We’ll do it here at home. We will solve the problem of medical studies in the country as we solved the problem of jurists at the time. Udi, I can not thank you enough on my behalf, on behalf of this university and on behalf of the people who will be studying medicine here, for the huge move you have made here today. “

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