Seventh US state bans ‘sex change’ for minors

by time news

The advance of gender ideology around the world has caused many harms in children and adolescents. Fortunately, governments, parents and professionals from the most diverse areas have been waking up to this tragic reality, putting into question the popularly called “sex change”.

The state of Mississippi, for example, in the United States, became the seventh in the country to pass a law that prohibits gender reassignment for minors. The measure aims to protect children from the consequences arising from LGBT+ ideological activism.

The measure named “Experimental Procedures Act for Regulated Adolescents” was sanctioned by Governor Tate Reeves, who insisted on establishing his position on the side of child protection.

“At the end of the day, there are two positions here. One tells children that they are beautiful just the way they are, that they can find happiness in their own bodies. The other says they must use drugs and cut themselves with expensive surgery to find freedom from depression,” the governor said in a statement.

Reeves then completed, according to CBN News. “I know which side I’m on. No child in Mississippi will have these drugs or surgeries forced upon them.” In addition to Mississippi, other states such as Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, South Dakota and Utah have also passed similar laws that prohibit “sex change” for minors.

a serious mistake

Head of Pediatric Psychiatry at the University of Tampere, the largest pediatric clinic of its kind in Finland, Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala resonated in various media around the world recently, after making an alert about the insane promotion of gender ideology among children and adolescents.

This is because, according to the specialist, 4 out of 5 children who are confused about their own sexual identity, overcome this conflict naturally over time, as they mature.

Thus, Kaltiala explains that in these cases it is only necessary to “monitor the situation, reassure the child and treat the family’s anxiety and possible related problems”, instead of reinforcing the confusion through the bizarre narrative of sex change.

“During the developmental process of adolescence, children begin to understand who they are,” explains Dr. Kaltiala. “Young people experiment with different identities and are subject to suggestions. In one situation he feels one thing, and in another, another. It’s normal in adolescence.” See more here:

Doctor specializing in gender dysphoria is against ‘sex change’ for minors

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