Several activities planned to celebrate the potential of women

by time news

2023-12-03 22:32:40

Views: 7

The 7th edition of the Djogbé Miton Nahyé Festival will be held from January 8 and 14 in Allada. The information was given on Tuesday, November 29, through a press conference convened by the palace of the Queen Mother Nahyé Ko’ndodo Todegla and the Naziafah association.

What you should know: Following the resounding success of previous editions, His Highness NahyéAnimanssô II Wêkêhounhonkêfa KondodoTodégla, promoter of the Djogbé Miton Nahyé Festival, decided to make this 2024 edition an unforgettable cultural experience, highlighting the values ​​of women within society. This is also why this 7th edition has the theme: ”woman for peaceful and balanced societal development”. Indeed, the Djogbé Miton Nahyé Festival aims to enable women to discover and enjoy their full potential within society. Its main goal is to bring women, through exchanges of experience and knowledge, to regain awareness of their legitimacy in society because women are the bearers of life. “This festival is the flagship activity of the Naziafah association. It was initiated to contribute to the perpetuation of Beninese and African intangible and material cultural heritage, to the revaluation of matrix power and the sacred feminine in order to promote the rights and role of women and to serve as a lever of exchange and of sharing between Africa and its diaspora ››, explained the promoter of the Djogbé Festival miton Nahyé and president of the Naziafah association.

What is planned:Several activities are planned to enhance this 2024 edition of the Djogbé Miton Nahyé Festival. This includes, among other things, a visit to the Gbaguidi Palace of Houawé in Bohicon, heritage dances such as Sakpatahun, Têkê, Toba, Tchingunmin. A culinary workshop is also planned, a tourist visit in the footsteps of NahyéKpodjitoAnimanssô II, several workshops, one of which focuses on the bridge between grandmothers and young women and another on sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. . January 10 is reserved for the commemoration of the vodoun festival then for heritage dances, a workshop on culinary art whose theme will be: The place of corn in our daily lives. After the 7 days of the festival, a tour called the festival restitution tour will take place in Abomey, Savalou, Damé and Grand Popo for women who were not able to be present at the festival.

#activities #planned #celebrate #potential #women

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