Several schools have received threatening e-mails /

by times news cr

Shortly before 8 o’clock, information was received from several educational institutions where threatening e-mails were received in Russian. More than 200 bomb threat e-mails were sent out – these are “low-level threat” e-mails, Rooks explained. The State Police, in communication with educational institutions, informs about action algorithms when encountering such situations. Threat reports have been received by schools in all counties.

Similar situations were also experienced last autumn, when many schools received threatening e-mails. Ruk emphasized that it was a hybrid attack organized “not in our country”. Currently, they have found out from which country the attack was carried out.

Ruk urged not to panic, and evacuation is not necessary at this time, as there is no real threat and children can be sent to school.

In addition to that, Ruk emphasized that every year the beginning of the new academic year is also a matter of courage. Parents should discuss various safety-related issues with their children, including in the virtual environment. Parents should also take care of their offspring’s safety in traffic, for example, by providing helmets to children riding bicycles, telling them how to cross the street properly, etc., said Ruk.

2024-09-04 04:47:12

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