Several socialists defend the amnesty after the PP demonstration

by time news

2023-12-04 00:50:41

“The amnesty is an excuse because they cannot stand four more years of socialist government.” This is what the general secretary of the PSE-EE and candidate for lehendakari, Eneko Andueza, said after the demonstrations called by the Popular Party at the PSE event.

The socialist leader has vindicated “the dignity” of socialism, about which “neither the extreme right nor the extreme right can speak, which goes to Europe to prevent the European Commission from investing in our country, which begins to pray a rosary at the door of Ferraz than to prevent Pedro Sánchez from being president of the Government”. “They have been sent where they deserve, to the opposition and they do not digest it, they do not digest it, they rage, they insult us, they attack us, they attack us,” he listed.

A thousand people have gathered again in front of the PSOE headquarters after the demonstration called by the Popular Party. Several of the attendees who celebrated the popular event participated in this mobilization.

Likewise, Andueza has warned that “the excuse is not the amnesty”, but rather “that they cannot stand” that in Spain there will be “four more years of socialist government”. “They are the same ones who say that attacking our headquarters is healthy,” he accused.

Salvador Illa: “A change of times”

Eneko Andueza has been supported by the leader of the PSOE, Salvador Illa. “They beat their chests defending the Constitution, but then they block the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary. Tomorrow marks five years with the expired mandate,” he recalled.

The PSC leader assured that the world is experiencing “a change of era” and affirmed that the PSOE is committed to “working from the institutions, not from the street, with respect, not with tension to reach agreements.”

“Everything is breaking, Spain is breaking, the nation is going to disappear… How many times have I heard that. But nothing is going to disappear. We must talk, above all, with those who think differently. That is politics,” he insisted. .

Illa has not cited the amnesty law, but assured that Catalan socialism had “learned a lot from the Basque” and defended progress in “self-government and co-governance.” However, he warned that poor management by the Generalitat of Catalonia, chaired by ERC, had caused serious drought problems in the community. “Being where we shouldn’t be leads to that: we are without water.”

Zapatero defends the meeting between PSOE and Junts

Former president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero also spoke about the meetings held between PSOE and Junts. “The parties are free to meet with whoever they want and where they want. That is democracy,” he defended. Zapatero has expressed that “the political parties that invoke, claim and threaten the Constitution are the ones that believe in it the least.”

On the other hand, Zapatero has emphasized that “only the Constitutional Court is responsible for saying what is constitutional or not.” “Only to the Constitutional Court, nor to Genoa, nor to anyone!” He concluded and added that “that is defending democracy and the rule of law.”

“We have 144 years of history, and, therefore, we can have 144 years of patience with the right,” he maintained. Likewise, he has pointed out that “if there is something that is identified with the search for reconciliation and forgiveness, it is an amnesty”, which, according to him, “brings good things.”

#socialists #defend #amnesty #demonstration

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