Sèwanou Jonas GBAGUIDI raised to the rank of doctor at the University of Abomey-Calavi

by time news

2023-10-24 21:40:08

Views: 10

It is around the question of eviction with a view to democratically negotiated urbanization that Sèwanou Jonas GBAGUIDI defended his doctoral thesis in sociology of development at the University of Abomey-Calavi. The defense took place in the Michel BOKO Conference room of the Multidisciplinary Doctoral School (EDP) on Tuesday October 24, 2023.

Sèwanou Jonas GBAGUIDI, new doctor

What you should know : Sèwanou Jonas GBAGUIDI now holds a doctorate in Sociology and anthropology, option Sociology of Development. He defended his thesis around the theme: “Eviction and production of the new city of Cotonou: between governmentality and negotiated urban planning”. After having defended the results of his research, the international jury chaired by Professor Dodji H. AMOUZOUVI, unanimously awarded him the very honorable mention with congratulations. The members of the Jury declared that the subject covered is of great relevance and topicality, treated with a good methodological approach with convincing results.

Who are the members of the jury : In addition to the president Professor Dodji H. AMOUZOUVI, the jury is made up of three examiners, namely: Irène KASSI-DJODJO, Lecturer, Félix Houphouet-Boigny University Côte-d’Ivoire; Bernard Tossou ATCHRIMI, Full Professor, University of Lomé/Togo and Rodrigue MONTCHO, Lecturer, University of Parakou. The rapporteurs are Professors Albert NOUHOUAYI and Karl Martial NASSI, all from Benin.

What to remember from the defended thesis : In his presentation, the applicant Sèwanou Jonas GBAGUIDI shows that the current picture of economic cities reveals capital urban macrocephalies in West Africa. This urban growth of the economic capital associated with informal activities leads to the occupation of public spaces in Cotonou. The densification of neighborhoods has accelerated. States are thinking about building cities even though the occupants are settled. With these observations, it led to the problem of the resurgence of operations to evict populations with the advent of each regime. Thus, to understand this resurgence, he analyzed the divergence of logic between leaders and populations, the eviction strategies and the implications on the depth levels induced by eviction operations. Several categories of actors were addressed such as: people living in the territory of Cotonou and having been victims of eviction at least once and institutional actors. The results it reached revolve around three major trends, namely: the logics between populations and public authorities which determine the resurgence of eviction operations, public eviction strategies in Cotonou and the implications of eviction operations.

Overall photo with the members of the jury present at the Uac

What the jury members say : “The applicant does a very good analysis of the subject with adequate illustrations,” notes Dr Irène KASSI-DJODJO. She notes that. It also analyzes the methods used which remain identical in all countries in the sub-region. It showed that there is violence which can lead to human deaths and is shared by both sides. For her, the applicant made a very thorough state of the art and adopted a popular methodological approach. The work is of quality and clear with figures and photos, tinged with good analysis. From a content perspective, the objectives are met and the content is well analyzed. Professor Bernard Tossou ATCHRIMI was also delighted that the candidate demonstrated good methodology and good analysis by bringing strategic analysis into play. Proud to sit on this jury, Dr Rodrigue MONTCHO made it known that the question of governance remains complex in the urban space with very strategic actors tinged with violence and turmoil linked to the eviction of populations. He underlined the merit of the applicant for having gone further.

#Sèwanou #Jonas #GBAGUIDI #raised #rank #doctor #University #AbomeyCalavi

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