Sex, young people increasingly at risk of flop: here’s why

by time news

2023-09-28 12:03:52

Stress, unhealthy behaviors, hormonal ‘helps’. Factors that threaten the sexual health of young men, who are increasingly at risk of ‘flopping’ between the sheets. Erectile dysfunction “mainly affects those over 40 although in recent years, due to more stressful lifestyles, unbalanced diets and other unhealthy habits, we are experiencing a progressive lowering of the age of onset. Also the greater use of hormones like testosterone, taken especially by younger people to promote the growth of muscle mass, increases the possibility of running into the problem”. Alessandro Palmieri, president of the Italian Society of Andrology (Sia), reports the trend on the occasion of the workshop ‘From the tablet… to the volatile’, promoted by Sia with the non-conditioning contribution of Neopharmed Gentili to talk about prevention and evolution on the drug front : from ‘love pills’ to sprays.

“Erectile dysfunction – explains Palmieri – means the inability to start and complete a sexual relationship that is satisfactory for the patient. It is estimated that 3 million Italians suffer from it, but it is possible to hypothesize that the number of men affected by the problem is higher, as we do not have updated data on the pathology”, specifies the specialist. “It is important not to underestimate the role of prevention of risk factors – he recommends – and the importance of lifestyles to counteract the onset of the problem”.

The correct management of erectile dysfunction – underline the promoters of the meeting – cannot ignore an in-depth knowledge of the causes of the disorder, which can represent the symptom of other underlying pathological conditions, even serious ones, such as diabetes, neurological and cardiovascular problems, hormonal alterations . In the oncology field, particular attention should be paid to those who undergo operations for the treatment of pelvic tumors, who may experience erectile dysfunction. Among the main related alarm bells, experts cite a heart attack, but also visual disturbances such as retinopathy, or persistent headaches that imply vasodilation: all signs that indicate a bodily alteration of erectile function and of the endothelial tissue of the organism, on which it is important to act promptly, also to avoid other serious pathological conditions.

Erectile dysfunction can therefore hide other diseases. “In the presence of suspicious symptoms – Palmieri urges – it is best to contact a doctor expert in andrology for an in-depth analysis of the problem, in order to quickly arrive at a diagnosis and start a treatment that is effective and ‘sewn’ as soon as possible. on the needs and expectations of the patient. From a therapeutic point of view – highlights President Sia – in addition to traditional therapies for oral administration, today we have very effective spray formulations available, with a rapid mechanism of action and of absolute validity for the patient”.

‘Patient friendly’ therapies including sildenafil, the active ingredient of Viagra*, the first phosphodiestarase inhibitor to be developed and first line therapy for erectile dysfunction, “now available in an innovative spray formulation that is easy to use, which guarantees rapid treatment ‘action and effectiveness of the treatment”, recalls a note. “Pharmacological therapies, associated with physical therapies such as shock waves performed directly on the corpus cavernosum, allow the patient to completely rehabilitate and be able to gradually reduce the therapeutic load”, remarks Palmieri.

Specialists highlight “the fundamental role of therapeutic education to obtain maximum effectiveness from the therapeutic process”. Sia’s number one concludes: “The andrologist doctor has the task of teaching the patient how to manage the therapy, transferring the therapeutic objectives of the treatment and reassuring about any side effects that may occur especially in the initial stages but which are completely negligible”.

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