Sexual crimes against minors will not be subject to a statute of limitations: Congress

by times news cr

He Congress of Mexico City toproved that complaints of sexual assault against minors have no statute of limitations, so the victims They will be able to submit their complaints when they feel ready and without pressure from the age limit; in addition, the names of the aggressors will not be erased.

During the fifth extraordinary period, the Administration and Justice Commission of the capital Congress presented to the Plenary a ruling to reform the Criminal Code for the Federal District regarding the non-prescriptibility of sexual crimes committed against minors.

Prior to the vote, some legislators such as Jorge Gaviño From the stands, he pointed out that the statute of limitations for this crime did not generate any benefit for the victims, as it set an age limit for filing a complaint regardless of whether it was ready or not.

On the contrary, they assured that the prescription derived from the fact that the rapists will go unpunished; in addition to giving a “benefit” to the State by allowing crimes to be dealt with when it was most convenient.

In this way, the group of local deputies He agreed that voting in favor and approving the ruling would ensure the care and well-being of children and adolescents, as well as giving them legislative support.

“Every boy and girl in this city deserves to live in a safe environment (…), that is why, with this reform we tell those boys, those girls, those adolescents that they are not alone,” said the deputy of the PVEM, Javier Ramos.

As the driving force behind this reform, The legislator said that it must be certain that those who have caused them any damage will pay for it.

Following the participation of the congressmen, the opinion was put to a vote and approved unanimously with a total of 47 votes in favorzero against and zero abstentions, which was celebrated inside the legislative building of Maidens.

“Until today the legislation is that a victim can report until he turns 30, now it is without prescription, that is, a victim who has 50 years old can report something that affects him It happened when I was a minor,” he said in an interview for 24 HOURS lPRD deputy Polimnia Romana Sierra, president of the Commission for Child Development during the Second Legislature.

On the other hand, Sierra pointed out that the approval of the ruling also sends a direct message to the perpetrators, and that is that “no one rapist can go unpunished” after committing abuse against a minor.

The PRD deputy stated that to date the legislation stipulated as a limit that a victim could file a complaint until he was 30 years old.

“Let them know that as soon as they are ready they can demonstrate, that they do not have to rush, because the victim You should report when you are ready, not when a law says when to and when not to.“, he said.


“The victim remains silent because he has been persuaded or threatened, he also feels shame or guilt, helplessness and vulnerability The younger the victim, the greater the risk of death.”

Octavio Rivera,
Morena deputy

Photo caption:

Objective: In its last session, the members of the Second Legislature approved these modifications to provide security and justice to children.

2024-08-31 21:48:15

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