Sexuality after 40: a pleasure trip and reunion

by time news

2023-08-09 12:00:53

Will I be able to enjoy the same now that I’m over 40? Will I be big already? What if my orgasms are less intense? Do not think that the trip is over, quite the contrary.

Last update: August 09, 2023

There are many topics that, as a gynecologist, I love to chat with you about. But this is one of my favorites, because it’s about change, challenges, acceptance and maturity.

It is very common that we are full of myths about what, when we are older, it will be difficult for us to relate to the permission to pleasure. For this reason, today I want to delve into something that concerns many of us: sexuality after 40.

It is a chapter of our lives full of discoveries, challenges and opportunities to connect with our intimate being in a unique way. Shall we start the journey?

A journey of self discovery

Over the years, our experiences and learning enrich us in a special way. As we grow, we recognize ourselves, we investigate ourselves, we settle into “what works for us and what doesn’t.”

Sexuality after 40 gives us a wonderful opportunity to embrace who we are. We celebrate our authenticity and reconnect with the body and the deepest desires.

It is the perfect time to explore new forms of pleasure and strengthen our self-esteem. And it is that at this age we already know! Usually, we already learned what we like and what we don’t. So it’s time to communicate it and put it into practice.

It is time to capitalize on the experience and, above all, enjoy.

At this stage of life, sex can surprise us with exciting new pleasures. It is a chapter in which we dare to explore without taboos, enjoying every moment of authenticity and satisfaction.

Perhaps you will be encouraged to try new experiences, fulfill fantasies, open the game. Sex is not standard.

What you liked before, maybe now you don’t like it anymore. Or what you were ashamed of, perhaps now you are curious. Try, ask yourself and, as I always say, dare to feel.

Does sexual desire drop after 40?

It may happen that you feel that sometimes you don’t feel like it and you think it’s because of age. I want to tell you that sexual desire does not decrease linearly over time or the end of the fertile stage. Be careful not to take it for granted!

Each woman is unique and the lack of desire can have various causes: stress, hormonal imbalance, problems with the couple, the vortex of our lives, other people’s situations that afflict us from family or work, among others.

Here comes into play the importance of having open and honest communication with our partners and with health professionals, be it your gynecologist or sexologist. However, the main honest communication has to be with yourself.

Ask yourself the following questions:

How do I relate to my body? Do I give myself permission for pleasure? How do I feel about reality? Do I pamper myself?

In these answers you can find solutions and strengthen your intimate connection. Then, you can strengthen the connection with another person.

And what do I do with vaginal dryness?

Understanding the hormonal changes that sometimes do not accompany at this age is essential so as not to fill ourselves with prejudices and stigmas. Some have to go through their menopause earlier and some changes that occur in the body surprise them when they are young.

One of those changes is the appearance of vaginal dryness. However, it is a situation that can occur at any age and can be treated and accompanied without problems. There is no reason to despair.

You will find practical solutions, such as the use of water-based lubricants or some hormonal replacement indicated by your doctor. But do not categorize yourself with expressions that are heard out there, such as “I have it dry!”.

You can enjoy intimacy without pain and that is pleasurable.

Enough of enduring and suffering, or stop doing what we want due to these symptoms. Your sex life is not over. Self-care is key to fully living sexuality after 40!

The journey of sexuality after 40 continues

On this journey of empowerment, we celebrate every part of our body, experiences, and decisions. We embrace self-love as a solid foundation for our sexuality.

It is time to recognize that your body, your stretch marks, the color of your vulva, your extra kilos and your wrinkles are nothing more than marks. Marks of your life, traces of your history. Stop thinking that pleasure and sexuality are only valid if we are young and have a “perfect” body.

Let’s break that lie.

Let’s have the courage to enjoy our sensuality without limitations. My dear readers, followers, friends: sexuality after 40 is a wonderful journey and full of possibilities. We are in the middle of the rest of our life.

Explore, read, innovate, encourage yourself to incorporate new sensations. Try a toy, dress up. Propose something new to your partner, touch yourself more, relax, let go of prejudices.

What are you waiting for? No one has to give you permission. You are the only one who puts limitations on your sex life.

40 is not the end. On the contrary, they can be the beginning of something new, different and exciting. The way to live or enjoy your sexuality is within you. It does not depend on age, but on the drive of your soul, which is eternal.

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