Shahbaz Sharif Narendra Modi News, Modi will not come even if Shahbaz Sharif invites… Pakistani expert tells 7 reasons for Indian PM not coming – Shahbaz Sharif will invite Narendra Modi for SCO Summit, Qamar Cheema says India PM will not come to Pakistan – 2024-07-09 19:44:25

by times news cr

2024-07-09 19:44:25
Islamabad: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting is going to be held in Pakistan in October this year. The Shahbaz Sharif-led government of Pakistan has said that as the host, invitations will be sent to all the members of the SCO, including India. It is clear that Indian PM Narendra Modi will also get an invitation from the Pakistan government for the SCO meeting. In such a situation, the question is being asked whether Narendra Modi will go to Islamabad for the SCO summit. So far, India has not given any reaction to the statement from Pakistan. On the other hand, if Pakistani political commentator Qamar Cheema is to be believed, Narendra Modi will not visit Pakistan despite getting the invitation.
In a video shared on his YouTube channel, Qamar Cheema said that despite Pakistan’s invitation, Narendra Modi will not come to Pakistan. Cheema has given seven reasons to substantiate his claim. Giving the first reason, Qamar Cheema said that in the recent SCO meeting held in Kazakhstan, Foreign Minister Jaishankar went from India’s side instead of Narendra Modi. This shows that India is reducing the importance of this group. Especially it does not want to anger America by being seen with China-Russia. In such a situation, there is no chance that Narendra Modi, who is the most pro-America PM in Indian history, will come to Pakistan.

Modi may get trapped in Pakistan: Cheema

Cheema said that the second reason is that if Modi comes to Pakistan, his government will be questioned about it for the next four and a half years and will be asked about the benefits of it. If Modi comes to Pakistan, he will also meet Shahbaz Sharif. In such a situation, Modi will have to clarify many things in front of the media and the opposition in his country. He will not be comfortable with this and will want to avoid it. The third reason is that Modi understands that if he has to solve things with Pakistan, then it will have to be done at the lower level and not by participating in such a big summit. He will take the initiative to solve the issues with Pakistan at the level of officers only.

Qamar Cheema has said that the fourth reason is the politics of accusations and counter-accusations between the two countries. He said that in the SCO Summit in Kazakhstan, India’s foreign minister has targeted Pakistan without naming it. On the issue of terrorism, he said that terrorists are nurtured across the border. Things will not change so much after three months that India changes its attitude so much that its PM comes to Pakistan.

‘BJP’s style of politics is also the reason’

Qamar Cheema has also cited India’s internal politics as the reason for Narendra Modi’s avoidance of Pakistan visit. Cheema said that Narendra Modi and his party’s senior leaders like Amit Shah and Jaishankar have been continuously making anti-Pakistan statements. They say in the media that they will snatch Kashmir from Pakistan and attack them by entering. Such statements are made to please a particular section. This atmosphere has been created by the BJP in the last few years. Under no circumstances would Narendra Modi want to spoil this atmosphere by coming to Pakistan.

The sixth reason is that there is no country in SCO with which Pakistan has a very good friendship. Pakistan cannot ask any country to persuade Modi to come. Then, not only Sharif but also Chinese President Jinping will be in Pakistan. Sharing the stage with the leaders of China and Pakistan will definitely trouble Modi. Pakistan and China have been called enemies in India, so obviously this will be difficult for Narendra Modi, he would want to avoid this.

‘Why will India give importance to Pakistan’

Giving the seventh reason, Qamar Cheema said that India has been trying to isolate Pakistan in the world for the past few years. Why would you normalise things and increase the importance of a country that your government is working to isolate? This will only spoil the efforts made to isolate Pakistan.

Let us tell you that Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch was asked a question on the SCO Summit whether Pakistan would invite PM Narendra Modi to participate in the SCO conference. On this Baloch said that Pakistan is hosting this meeting. The conference is chaired by Pakistan. Therefore, as the president, an invitation will be sent to the heads of state of all the member countries of the SCO from Pakistan. We will send the invitation and hope that all the member countries will attend the SCO meeting to be held in October 2024.

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