Shaked signed an order that would save 2.7 million waiting days a year for business owners

by time news

Today (Wednesday), Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked signed a business licensing order, which will deregulate and significantly ease business licensing, in order to facilitate business owners and increase competition in the economy. The amendment will affect about 36,000 businesses in Israel, and is expected to save 2.7 million waiting days a year, and hundreds of millions of shekels at regulatory cost.

as That we published In Globes with the declaration of the reform, from now on these business owners will be required to issue only a manufacturer or importer license and according to the data presented, this is a saving of NIS 40,000 per business owner. In addition, for bakeries, wineries and small chocolate and food manufacturers that have hitherto been required to double manufacturer and business licenses, from now on every small food manufacturer will not need a business license. According to the data, this is a savings of NIS 45,000 per business owner.

In addition, for restaurants, cafes and pubs that sell alcohol and have so far required police approval – the obligation will be abolished and it will be a saving of about 10,000 shekels per business. It was also announced the abolition of the license requirement for tire shops, transportation of raw milk, transportation of vehicles and small businesses in malls. Minister Shaked said that this is a saving of half a billion shekels a year for about 44,000 business owners and on many business days devoted to dealing with the excess bureaucracy. In addition, it was decided to extend the validity of business licenses. For nursing homes, pubs, swimming pools, malls, playgrounds, water parks and mikvahs from five to ten years. For butchers the licenses will be extended from one to five and for hotels from ten to 15 years.

Deputy Minister Avir Kara, in charge of government regulation, said that “Business owners in Israel have become accustomed to an inflated and expensive licensing process that has no equal in the world. From today the process will be easier, cheaper and more logical for tens of thousands of businesses.” To invest in growth and employees instead of investing in bureaucracy and forms. “

The government is promoting several improvements and streamlining of regulations at the same time, including regulation on firefighting, in order to synchronize it with the recommendations of the FSRI, the organization of fire safety experts. In this way, old, irrelevant and overburdening regulatory requirements will give way to risk management regulation in line with expert recommendations. In addition, Minister Shaked issued an amendment earlier this year and led to regulatory relief in 8 additional licensing items.

The Minister of the Interior, Ayelet Shaked, says that “I signed with great excitement today a historic order that cancels many unnecessary business licenses in one go. Thanks to this order, many small and medium-sized business licenses can breathe a sigh of relief today.” “MK Avir Kara, we did the unbelievable and we completed the revolution in business licensing at record speed. This is a huge line for the business sector in Israel!”

In the eyes of Deputy Minister Avir Kara, “Completing the reform today is a tremendous victory that will also contribute greatly to lowering the cost of living.

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