Shakira, “what woman has not sought the approval of the other forgetting herself” 3 ways to maintain identity as a couple

by time news

2023-05-08 19:03:53

For love we do the impossible, even lose ourselves. Although loving does not mean disappearing or doing what the other wants. For those we tell you, How to maintain your identity as a couple?

Most of us, men or women, will live in a relationship that will not only change our lives, it will also make us wonder: why do we allow it? Accompanied by this question is the difficulty of forgiving ourselves.

Hardly anyone is free to live, even Shakira one of the international singers has faced it and accepted it. She so she brought it out at the magazine awards Billboard.

“Which woman has not experienced seeking the attention, affection or approval of the other and has forgotten about herself. It has happened to me,” said the interpreter who received the award for woman of the year.

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What is individuality in a relationship?

It is true that we all need a bond or a closeness with someone, but it is also valid to have personal spaces, autonomy and independence.

What makes a relationship complicated, and a member within it becomes lose yourself, it is that he seeks in her to fulfill a fantasy, to alleviate his insecurities, wounds or unresolved problems. That is to say, through the fusion bond it seeks to heal, and what is produced is a deterioration of the relationship, says clinical psychologist, Lisa Firestone.

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How not to lose individuality as a couple?

It is possible that in each of your relations you would have delivered “more”, and it is not that it is bad or good. But the truth is that keeping your individual could more than harm benefit your RelationshipThat’s why we give you these tips:

1 Maintain your individuality by preserving your interests

Two people in love are two individuals who have different identities, as well as their own ideas and friends. It’s what makes them interesting, that’s why:

• Keep the interests that are important to you.
• Encourage your couple that has its own interests, you do not have to participate in them
• Support your partner to have their friends, as well as keep yours and establish a respect for the subject.

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2 Establish clear communication

We all tend to talk, but how much awareness is there in what you say to another. also how many times you listen to your partner.

* Try to have deep conversations, which are distinguished from a superficial conversation
*It is important that you take time to sit together, in a personal and intimate setting
* Try to have eye contact in the conversation

3 Do not assume that you know what the other wants, thinks or feels

It doesn’t matter that they are a couple of years, no one can know what is in each other’s head. That is why it is important to ask, speak and respect points of view, even if they are different.

What should I do to strengthen my identity?

It is important that you remember on a daily basis how important you are, but also that you carry out the following:

1- Learn to play down situations, as this can awaken your fears and negative actions.
2- Enjoy the day to day
3- Trust your intuition
4- Accept the inevitable

During these months we have seen Shakira recover and be her again. Yes, appear in person and promote that one should not lose oneself in a relationship, but if it happens, one can always return to the path of the “I”.

If you want to know more about what love does in your brain, we invite you to watch the following video:

#Shakira #woman #sought #approval #forgetting #ways #maintain #identity #couple

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